broke my grub. Can it be fixed?

Trying to install another OS on a second hard drive broke my grub. Upon reboot I get a file not found error and sent to grub rescue.

Once I successfully booted up into sda (original Aramo) but doing grub-update seemed to break that too.

Last thing tried was:
trisquel@trisquel:~$ sudo grub-setup -d /media/2023-03-15-21-07-13-00/EFI/BOOT /dev/sda1
sudo: grub-setup: command not found

Since I have /home as a separate partition I could try reinstalling the first Aramo. Maybe do the Second hard drive first (wanted to try Fedora Budgie spin) and then reinstall Aramo on the first hard drive. I notice I get messages about no os-prober which seems a problem.

What does anybody think. Am currently logged in via Aramo Live CD.

Screenshot might have more info.

screenshot1.png601.54 KB
So, 07/02/2023 - 20:34

The web page in the screenshot is