Browser windows disappears

3 Antworten [Letzter Beitrag]
Beigetreten: 02/20/2015

Hi forum,

sometimes the Abrowser window disappears and I cannot find it on the two desktops.
Its task is still active and there is network activity.

Is there a way to hide the browser by using a mouse gesture?
How can I bring the window back?


Magic Banana

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Beigetreten: 07/24/2010

Can you get the Abrowser window into focus with Alt+Tab (and some more tabs if required)? If yes, does it respond to Alt+F4 (to close it) for instance?

Beigetreten: 01/26/2015

in lxde I sometimes by accident minimize/shade the application by using the scroll wheel (actually double finger drag) on the title bar.

Beigetreten: 02/20/2015

Yesterday I tried to reproduce the error by opening many browser tabs that the available RAM shrank to about 5% as I was thinking that low memory was the reason.
A while ago I already pressed Alt+F4 that lead to no reaction at all.

Can this accidental minimizing be turned off?