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post some cats
post continued from here:
my cat (i am not the one that feeds it too much!):
The first picture is so cute I can't take it! >_<
It looks so derpy in a "rawr, I will kinda eat you" sorta way.
I have a dog. I could post her picture. But she is so beautiful that I'd need to charge for the pic..
ill give you the pitcher of my other cat in exchange?
Hmm, a pitcher of cat. That sounds slightly... off?
Ill rather post a picture of a dog chewing on a cat for dinner!!
there he goes. the old school jodiendo style!! :)
Nice, um... cat...
Does it bark?
I have those same chairs in my kitchen. They are like 20 kg each, right?
based on the look it was giving you in the 2nd image you were holding a treat correct?
My cat seems to think "computer time" is actually "give me lovins" time. He'll leave me alone all day but as soon as I sit down to do some work he's laying on my keyboard.
I usually just let him do it. He's a cat eventually he'll get bored and go sleep in the sun.
you live in a beautiful place mangy!
what part of the world dose your cat live?
thanks ;-)
She's 8yrs old and she lives up in a mountain village of the Alpes Maritimes.
i live further down on the coast & enjoy going up there often:)
Typical style villages of the southern Alpes Maritimes
lots of great treks to do in the National Park of the Mercantour,with the Italian border girdeling it.
Gosh, i want to live there too ;__;
you're blessed man!!
here in south germany, we have cold and grey weather from mid october until april;
right now it's snowing :/
enjoy your awesome mountain villages!
same here!
Nice pics!
could be a place somewhere around here.
Thanks for sharing.
I must note that opening four 4000x3000 resolution pictures in my web browser is an excellent way to simulate underclocking my computer.
Does the word "cat" mean paint in Indonesian?
Yes., it does. It pronounced more like chat, though, but with the same a as arse.
cheers fellows!:)
The coast is quite built up so yes whats left quite untouched is the mountains due their harder access.
and parts of the region was Italian till quite recently.
I enjoyed your pics Tomluckeywood from Sheffield and yur cats lazeeing in the afternoon siesta sun.
looks like bird country too,must be lots of widlife?
Davidnotcoulthard your /Wiki/Cat turned out to be wicked!i laughted out loud expecting a Cat!
last shot here
you're not far from me mangy!
A tramp and a mangy dog lol :)
83 ? is next door : Département du Var
But seeing you speak Spanish maybe you are in Las Islas Canarias...
if not sure would be great to get in contact.
I'm in Italy. north-east. :)
Supertramp83 said:
you're not far from me mangy!
That comment of yours could be interpret in many ways. Ill choose the troll answer.
Why would I visit a mange dog or cat in the Alps? Surely, you would end up washing your body with a lot of medicated sulfur soap.
that's my neighbor's dog! He doesn't like almost anybody and barks at anyone that comes near. hehe. but he likes me and is actually a very sweet little bugger!
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