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This has nothing to do with Trisquel itself, but i am looking for a free cloudservice. A good one, so with respect for the customer, the privacy etc. Any suggestions ?
sudo apt-get install owncloud
There is no "more privacy respecting" or "less privacy respecting" cloudservice provider since we can't look inside their servers and shouldn't trust them anyway.
You can use such a service without problems if you
1. encrypt every file you're uploading
2. make sure that you can use this service with free software on your (!) pc
The second point is not fulfilled by dropbox, afaik. I'm using it anyway, but without any client installed on my pc (so I only use the web-based uploader).
The best solution (very vaguely indicated by lembas) is of course to host your own service. It's not as complicated as you might think, but it costs a bit of time and effort.
You need
1. a device which can be used as a service. For insance, the much more freedom respecting version of the raspberry pi, the "olinuxino" board. It's afaik the single board computer which is closest to freedom as you can get at the moment.
Or even better but more power-expensive is a pc with free software on it.
2. Cloudsoftware like owncloud, though I only made bad experiences with it on weak single board computers.
There are plenty of other solutions (sparkleshare, seafile etc.)
if anyone is looking for freedom compatable, single-board computers, check
>You can use such a service without problems if you
1b. They still can see the metadata even if you encrypt.
3. Have redundancy, i.e. copies on multiple services, they can pull the plug any time, see Megaupload.
4. Read
>> There is no "more privacy respecting" or "less privacy respecting"
>> cloudservice provider since we can't look inside their servers and
>> shouldn't trust them anyway.
Well, except for maybe It is endorsed by both
Richard Stallman and Jacob Applebaum (of the Tor Project) Right now they
only have an expensive storage system, but they seem to be working on a
"Dropbox-esque" file-syncing utility as well.
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