A Day in Life
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A pile of shoes. Presumably taken from the Jews before they were killed.

The same documentary is available on Youtube. Here's a link to Invidious.
Slides based on the Auschwitz Album that Lili Jacob found in Dora-Mittelbau after liberation.
This frame has somebody (smoking) on the ramp during selection (Aussortierung) of a transport that looks like Josef Mengele.
The documentary film is streamed on the Finnish National Broadcaster Yle web service. But it's geo-locked, only watchable in Finland.
The English edition of the film is also shorter (51 mins). The original German documentary film is 1 hour 27 mins.
Some really good pictures from Auschwitz that were retouched and colored in the newspaper today: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10448283/Haunting-colourised-pictures-Nazi-concentration-camp-victims-reveal-horror-Holocaust.html
You can see a lot of bones poking through the skin in their arms and legs and chests - they were starving to death. But they looked emotionally at peace with their hardship in these pictures. Their God is a great God who can give great mercy even in the worst of times.
And yet a school board in the United States banned 'Maus' by Art Spiegelman.
It won't be long before we have book burning. History is repeating itself. Over and over...
I wish I had been wrong...
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