A Design team for Trisquel and call for collaboration

7 Antworten [Letzter Beitrag]
Beigetreten: 04/02/2019

Hello everyone,

I would like to invite anyone who interests (artist or not) to collaborate in the development and discussions on the design of the Trisquel project.

Design is understood not just the visual communication part; But also the Design of Interaction, Experience, Usability, Processes and Accessibility to the project.

I suggest that in this topic the discussion be focused on the proposal of future activities which we "Design Team" can develop. And who would like to participate in the discussion of a redesign for the Trisquel website, do through the Issue:

> #25749 - Redesign proposals for the Trisquel website

Magic Banana

I am a member!

I am a translator!

Beigetreten: 07/24/2010

Have you contacted david, who takes care of the website? Here is how: https://trisquel.info/users/david/contact

Beigetreten: 04/02/2019

Hello Magic Banana,

What's his nick on channel #trisquel-dev? I confess I do not remember talking to David; But I attended the last meetings on channel # trisquel-dev and I've been presenting some ideas and proposals there. At the last meeting on Friday 03/05, it was decided that it should use the forum and appropriate means to involve the community. So the collaboration and participation of anyone is welcome.

Sorry, I did not introduce myself in the forum or when I opened the topic; I'm Valessio Brito

During the first three months of this year I volunteered and interned the Free Software Foundation[1], so I had my first close contact with Trisquel and his project proposal. On this occasion I did the flashing of 25 T400 notebooks for libreboot, 4 X200 and 1 server board; Also the installation and configuration of Trisquel for these equipments.

I have been an activist and I have been using Free Software since 2000, my collaborations and distribution have been the Debian community ever since. I was responsible for creating the launch theme Squeeze (Debian 6) called "Space Fun", I also collaborated in process design to choose future themes; Among other activities in the Debian Design[2] and Advertising team.

My site[3] is in Portuguese, soon I must make an update, but there is a history of my professional participation and also in events and movement of Free Software.

I take this opportunity to invite you and whoever you can to attend the Debian Conference[4], this year in Curitiba, Brazil.

Valessio Brito

[1] https://www.fsf.org/blogs/sysadmin/introducing-valessio-brito-intern-with-the-fsf-tech-team
[2] https://wiki.debian.org/Design
[3] http://valessiobrito.com.br
[4] https://debconf19.debconf.org


I am a member!

I am a translator!

Beigetreten: 07/07/2017

> What's his nick on channel #trisquel-dev? I confess I do not remember
> talking to David; But I attended the last meetings on channel #
> trisquel-dev and I've been presenting some ideas and proposals there.

He wasn't at those meetings, but you can contact him at david at sognus.com

Beigetreten: 04/02/2019

Thanks! I already sent a message through the web form. I'll wait for the return there, anything I send an email.

Any user or devel/collaborator who wants to collaborate, can register a comment on the issue: https://trisquel.info/en/issues/25749

Valessio Brito


I am a member!

I am a translator!

Beigetreten: 08/02/2008

Hi, Valessio! Actually, I was at those meetings and spoke to you, my username is daroal there :-)

I've been having some trouble with my email server lately so I'm quite late in replying a lot of messages, I'll try to get back to speed during this week.

I'll try to give you a summary of the situation with the needs of the website and prior plans soon.

Thanks a lot for your work and your proposals!

Beigetreten: 05/14/2015

Would updating the user help wiki pages come under the remit of the Trisquel Design Team? I just opened an issue about that here:

Beigetreten: 04/02/2019

Great question. The aspects of the process of updating the documentation and the structure. Yes, I believe that a team to think about Design also thinks about this experience and usability. To ensure that the documentation is up-to-date and meets all of Trisquel's needs, it depends on more users collaborating and translating.

I made a comment on your task with my opinion: https://trisquel.info/en/issues/25762#comment-140884