Destroy Internet for a freedom (if main providers run non-free software)?

36 Antworten [Letzter Beitrag]

We can crack non-free companies servers and destroy non-free software on PCs using backdoors (Microsoft, NSA, Apple, Google).
But it is not main problem. If the main providers running non-free software, can we destroy the Internet just for freedom?
P. S. We can really destroy the Internet with a worm. After infecting Microsoft, the worm will be spread on insane speed and Internet will be destroyed after some minutes. After infecting all possible systems and crashing all available, the worm will start destructive actions.

stas730 (nicht überprüft)

The Internet is harmful for people not only because non-free software. For example, computers are harmful for health if using incorrectly.
P. S. Crashing all available means DDoS systems without SSH/FTP/telnet access. If this worm will be available, it must delete all firmwares including USB-devices or CD/DVDs (if exists at all). Because we need to stop all non-free software.

Mangy Dog

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Beigetreten: 03/15/2015

Gee looks a hell of a program....wizzkid!

Magic Banana

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Beigetreten: 07/24/2010

You should stop watching Hollywood movies and learn about the Internet, a highly resilient computer network.

And you should consult a psychiatrist. Seriously. Your will to somehow bring freedom through massive destruction looks pathological.

stas730 (nicht überprüft)

But we must to destroy all non-free software to win?
P. S. No, Internet can be destroyed by a software. Just crack computers and create botnet, then crack another systems… then run "rm -rf --no-preserve-root /" or "dd if=…" on cracked systems.

Magic Banana

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Beigetreten: 07/24/2010

Nothing shall be destroyed. Users must choose to be free. You do not "impose freedom", an oxymoron.

Beigetreten: 01/09/2013

Heather said: here's some advice from a grumpy old bat who hates the world:

Get out in nature.

Here is my recommendation for this young person: Lets camp out bare naked in the winter, travel to Siberia,Russia and on twenty feet of snow, wearing no cloth, no shoes, nada. then the only thing you will have is two matches... your choice!

Beigetreten: 12/10/2013

You're crazy. I second Magic Banana's suggestion to visit a psychiatrist.


I am a translator!

Beigetreten: 10/31/2014

just another troll, ignore

Beigetreten: 01/09/2013

Super tramp said: Just another troll, ignore

Why would you said that?

I like that kind of trollers. Specially when they are naive,tender and inept in the mind. Off course in the fantasy world of those single minded trollers, there is only always, one that is always waiting and hiding in the shadows to strike down for that moment to cypher your toughness.

Enough of troll book reading for know.

stas730 (nicht überprüft)

Internet CAN be destroyed. I'm not going to destroy Internet. At least, now. There is not enough reasons to do it now.
P. S. Internet cannot be destroyed by single cracker. Or this cracker must very quickly infect at least 10 systems. Otherwise, the cracker computer can be easily attacked (DDoS) and Internet will be saved with minimal damage.

Magic Banana

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Beigetreten: 07/24/2010

DDoS is the equivalent of a physical demonstration: it prevents for a while a service from delivering. Only for a while. The incriminating packets can be automatically detected an dropped (bandwidth management). If the server crashes, it is (often automatically) restarted. There are many defenses against DDoS:

You have no idea of the resource required to even prevent one single website from working. Mydoom still is the fastest spreading worm of all time. It included a DDoS attack against SCO's website. Well, the website was off for two weeks... and the free software community got bad press for more than that (it was the beginning of the SCO-Linux lawsuits).

Beigetreten: 01/09/2013

stas730 SAID
Internet CAN be destroyed. I'm not going to destroy Internet. At least, now. There is not enough reasons to do it now.

You gave me a reason to evaporate you with my Phaser, and send you to the other life, You will never reincarnate into this world and you will kept disappearing through the trollers worm hole , designed to keep your kind in isolation, muted and ignore by the magic clan master of trollers.

stas730 (nicht überprüft)

Virus or worm?
Viruses must be runned by user. Worms are cracking system and running automatically.
If Microsoft server will be attacked, worms will spread to millions of computers. Just crack and using backdoor.
What about cracking Apple with 200 million of a computers and adding another 200 million?
It's dangerous for the Internet.
Do not use proprietary systems. Otherwise you are opening (back) doors.

Mangy Dog

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Beigetreten: 03/15/2015

By which door or window did you come in ?

Magic Banana

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Beigetreten: 07/24/2010

Read about Mydoom, a worm that was mainly sending e-mails but was also attacking SCO's website (two weeks off, that's it) and, later, Microsoft's website (which remained functional because the worm was disappearing: anti-viruses were already deleting it). End result: bad press for the free software movement. How could it be any different?

And, again, you obviously know nothing on security. It is not easy to have a worm spreading to millions of systems. Mydoom is one of the rare worms that did it. Only bad consequences entailed.

Beigetreten: 12/10/2013

If you destroy the Internet, how will you continue to post here?

Beigetreten: 01/09/2013

I will defend the Internet, I could send text, my messages, specially from the distant galaxy of troll.


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Beigetreten: 04/18/2015

You must probably know this. You can help to build a better Internet everyday by creating your on internet provider such as

Mangy Dog

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Beigetreten: 03/15/2015

Maybe he can rebuild the Minitel for us ?....3615 Ulla!


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Beigetreten: 04/18/2015
Mangy Dog

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Beigetreten: 03/15/2015

is he nice to birds? that is the question???

Beigetreten: 01/09/2013

Mangy Dog

The proper answer about him, Conspicous does he has proper training in washing properly his rectum.

stas730 (nicht überprüft)

Worm can spread using backdoors. We have NSA & Microsoft backdoor in Windows.
If someone will crack Microsoft server, this cracker can destroy all files on a MILLIONS of computers. Or create botnet.
P. S. About antivirus software. Worm can crack antivirus software and remove virus databases. Then, another version of worm can be runned.

stas730 (nicht überprüft)

Is GCC zero version really compiled by non-free compiler? Freedom is ruined permanently if I'm right.
Now you can ban me but do not delete any messages. And let the battle begin!

Beigetreten: 12/10/2013

I hope nobody bans you.

hack and hack
Beigetreten: 04/02/2015

You definitely destroyed some of the few brain cells I have left, but that was worth it.

Beigetreten: 12/21/2015

Yes, we can crack NSA, Microsoft, Apple and Samsung servers using their own backdoors so we can infect them with a worm that overloads the power source of the workstation servers so then they break and burn, so at the end of the year we will see NSA offices in fire instead of fireworks.

---- just trolling ;) ----

stas730 (nicht überprüft)

We should destroy it.
I will not destroy it but this is message for crackers who can do it.

Beigetreten: 01/09/2013


Come to Papa trolito, I got a reportorial of my thesis for you to read.

stas730 (nicht überprüft)


stas730 (nicht überprüft)

Probably last questions about this topic:
0. I think I will upload a text file with an information about this "critical Internet vulnerability" and how to use/fix it. Which format is better? Is PDF good for free software?
1. (If PDF) Do I need to also upload ODT source (LibreOffice will be used)?


I am a translator!

Beigetreten: 10/31/2014

>Probably last questions about this topic


Magic Banana

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Beigetreten: 07/24/2010

Both PDF and OpenDocument are free formats that many free software programs read. PDF documents can be crippled with usage restrictions but you would not use them, of course:

Beigetreten: 05/07/2012


stas730 (nicht überprüft)

OK, I will use short text:

License: CC0 1.0 Universal
To crash:
1. Use strong encryption
2. Use system files to hide (add malware to every file). Do not show any messages
3. Use as many as possible ways to check host availability (every port, many software)
4. Use bruteforce for usernames and passwords
5. Do not forget about web control panels
6. Activate the malware (start destroying data) when all possible systems are infected
7. Remove starting from forgotten files, then create fake empty files
8. /dev/zero, not /dev/random or /dev/urandom
9. Do as many damage as you can
I don't know how to protect

stas730 (nicht überprüft)

Can we destroy the copyright?