do you use tox?
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Is the software usable on computers? On phones?
Is audio video supported? If so, what is the quality of audio video?
No, but I once installed gnunet-conversation, a free Skype replacement. There is also RetroShare, a free social network.
is gnunet conversations ready for use? If so would it not be in a package in debian?
I don't know much about gnunet-conversations, but I know that GNU Ring
is almost usable. I have tested with the latest test-packages for Guix,
and communication with others works fine, even video and audio.
It would be great if GNU Ring and gnunet-conversations would interact
with each other. Perhaps we can suggest this.
- [[]]
- Palestrante e consultor sobre /software/ livre (não confundir com
- "WhatsApp"? Ele não é livre, por isso não uso. Iguais a ele prefiro
GNU Ring, ou Tox. Quer outras formas de contato? Adicione o vCard
que está no endereço acima aos teus contatos.
- Pretende me enviar arquivos .doc, .ppt, .cdr, ou .mp3? OK, eu
aceito, mas não repasso. Entrego apenas em formatos favoráveis ao
/software/ livre. Favor entrar em contato em caso de dúvida.
there's also a tor-based chat client called ricochet which works well
GNU Ring may also be a suitable alternative to Tox. I haven't tried it myself, but I'm interested.
Last time I tried using Tox for a/v chat, it had pretty bad quality.
I'd recommend Wire-- it might not be decentralized, but it is encrypted, libre,
has good call quality, and has great GNU/Linux, web, and Android clients.
I use Tox. Audio and video quality is going to have the same problems with any similar program, it depends on your internet connection and camera/microphone quality. On a bad internet connection it sucked, on a good connection it was good. qTox is the best client for video calling. There's also the tools like tuntox and toxVPN which are pretty cool. Raxtox is cool client for reasons of scripting ability.
It's very hard to try out chat tools without other people to try talking to over them. I prefer to test bleeding edge libre chat tools with other software freedom activists first, to avoid giving noobs the impression that they are somehow inferior to proprietary comms tools. Skype is the benchmark against which most users compare chat tools, and I only want to introduce noobs to libre chat tools if they compare well against that benchmark.
I'm keen to be part of a regular (monthly?) libre chat session, where we try out different libre chat tools each time. I'm interested in trying any of the options mentioned so far in this thread, and any others people know of. Anyone interested?
"I can hear you, can you hear me?" pretty much describes my own experience with tox
>Anyone interested?
I would take part if it is zero knowledge encrypted programs. I had jitsi installed. I think it worked. I had to test it between to of my computers because I did not know of others having jitsi installed. Then there was a jitsi update and then the software did not work. I have read about xmpp solutions. I would like to test software using xmpp.
Personally, I am glad to see that I am not the only one struggling with these issues...
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