does respect your freedom

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Beigetreten: 08/25/2010

Hello every one:

I'm planing on buying a usb touch screen mini monitor from

I read there that their monitor works on "linux" (they ment to say gnu/linux ;) thanks to an "open source implementation" (

libdlo says it's "A fully open source (GPL)" driver, but some times what they say and what it is, is not the same.

Does anybody knows if libdlo respect your freedom? does anybody knows if it is free software or not? Any experience with it? is there a way I could find out if is free software or not?

Thank you all.

P.S. sorry I posted on the troll hole by mistake. Didn't know how it happened :( , maybe an auto detect xD

Michał Masłowski

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Beigetreten: 05/15/2010

I haven't found any obvious blobs in the drivers, it looks free. Check
if it works and supports the features that you need: someone who has
that hardware should be able to tell you, and that it is being
maintained and won't get orphaned while you use the device.


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Beigetreten: 08/25/2010

Thank you Michal. I will.