The "erase my work" key is at it again
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While adjusting about ten instances of terminals hard at work (in excess of 100 hours for each)
within one of four workspaces on the bottom panel, they suddenly all disappeared.
Holding down the mouse button and "sliding" them back up out of the "basement" didn't work its
magic ...
While I can easily re-start the ten nMap searches, there aren't any hard feelings, as there's
no original poetry deftly transported to dev/null, but I'd like some advice about what it could
be that activates this feature.
George Langford
If you ran out of memory (as you explained in another thread) the OOM Killer may be responsible:
Magic Banana observed:
> If you ran out of memory ...
Yes, indeed; RAM had been at 100% ... so had swap. The many terminal scripts had been dutifully persisting in their duties
through more than 100 hours of various insults. After the crash of that workspace, I found that several of those scripts
had been successfully completed, but that fact had not been indicated in the associated terminal. The data that had been
stored by all the other scripts was terminated in process.
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