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What do you use to convert (and write the metadata at the same time)
from flac to opus?
DeaDBeeF with opus-tools. Opus is good when you need to overcome upload limits.
I wrote some scripts for this, they might be that they could do with
some more work but it's a start
the opus tools are very good in that you can give them a flac, they will
copy the metadata over to the encoded opus file. however they don't do
batch processing which is what my scripts do.
I noticed that the script in question (http://george.the-petries.co.uk/software/media_processing_scripts/flacs2opus.sh) is missing a license. I'm assuming this is just an oversight. :-)
Ups. I have read the man page. Now I see that opusenc from opus-tools
does read flac without a problem. Problem solved! As for recurent - find
and for are two commands that can do miracles. Sure, a GUI would be
good. But besides the regular two bit scripts that invoke gstreamer,
there's not much in the repositories.
On 16/01/15 16:50, name at domain wrote:
> I noticed that the script in question
> (http://george.the-petries.co.uk/software/media_processing_scripts/flacs2opus.sh)
> is missing a license. I'm assuming this is just an oversight. :-)
yea, it's if it's around 200 lines of code then it's public domain, if
it's around 300+ then i might well have put it under gplv3 arr well to
late. well you can safely assume it's public domain.
People should not assume anything. It should be written somewhere.
Besides copyright is granted the moment something is published even in
the US.
I think you may be confusing the minimum standards for copyright eligibility with the FSF's recommendation for when to use a copyleft license. They recommend using a copyleft license when a program is over 300 lines of code, and licensing anything with less than 300 lines of code under a permissive free software license.
For files included in a software distribution that is part of the GNU project, the FSF requires licenses on all files greater that 10 lines of code, because that is approximately the "minimal creativity" required for a program to be eligible for copyright.
By the way, I'd recommend using the CC0 license instead of just putting the text "public domain" in your code because it is more legally watertight[1][2].
[1] https://www.gnu.org/licenses/license-list.html#PublicDomain
[2] https://www.gnu.org/licenses/license-list.html#informal
Copyright licensing does get confusing. It would be easier not to not have to worry about it.
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