A FSF supported project needs help: mediagoblin
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This does create confusion for some people because while the LGPL is a copyleft license, it allows it to be used in proprietary software as long as the LGPL stays respected. Looking back, do you think Stallman and the FSF regret having the LGPL as an option?
The LGPL is there for certain strategic purposes, as you should already know. There is no reason to regret its existence.
В 22:41 +0200 на 17.10.2012 (ср), name at domain написа:
> Looking back, do you think Stallman and the FSF
> regret having the LGPL as an option?
Kind of. [1] The LGPL is not recommended/ not encouraged for new code
and libraries. [1] As the article/essay it is a matter of strategy.
Can anyone explain me what is the link between the t3g's post (about the LGPL) and the one it is supposed to respond to (with not a single word about it)?!
"This does create confusion" -> In *this* sentence, "this" is t3g's message. In t3g's message, "this" refers to what?!
El 15/10/12 15:35, name at domain escribió:
> Let me cite on of my sources:
> http://www.techrepublic.com/blog/project-management/legal-considerations-when-using-free-software-in-it-consulting-projects/1363
> Some of you think I pull most of this out of my behind, but I do
> research before these posts. I also try to get sources from a non GNU
> or FSF site once in a while to get a 3rd party perspective on those
> licenses.
From the article:
*Disclaimer:* I am not a lawyer, nor have I ever played one on TV. If
you’re uncertain about how to protect your code, be sure to talk to a
I also found this article interesting: http://www.theregister.co.uk/2012/08/24/open_source_entrepreneurship/
EDIT: Damn links with _ in them breaking. Oh well, copy and paste I guess.
> I also found this article interesting:
> http://www.theregister.co.uk/2012/08/24/open_source_entrepreneurship/
This is a member of OSI you are citing. This is their position. If he said
the sun was a square, he'd have a right to that position. But the rest of
us wouldn't. Would you?
This article clearly shows that the GNU trio of licenses does not slow down commercial successes:
- Drupal is distributed under the terms of the *GNU GPL* ("Inc. Magazine recently named [Acquia] the fastest-growing software vendor in the United States");
- Storm is distributed under the terms of the *GNU LGPL* ("with startups setting out to monetise [it]");
- MongoDB is distributed under the terms of the *GNU AGPL* v3 ("MongoDB has a solid lead in NoSQL, and it's what (...) will ultimately determine one big winner in Hadoop"), the same license as GNU MediaGoblin.
I love MongoDB and use it for all my sites when I can. I believe they dual license it and offer a commercial license if needed. They also offer professional support services to keep the lights on. Very cool project with excellent language support.
Only time I use MySQL is when I absolutely have to and I'm always worried about its future with Oracle. Hadoop is a nice Apache 2.0 licensed project, but I haven't had a need to use it.
There is nothing to worry about. It's under licensing which allows forking. By it's very nature MySql has and will be forked if and where needed. While I agree that we don't know what Oracle is going to do or not do with it I don't think it matters that much.
Actually, several forks of MySQL already exist. That includes the well known MariaDB (from the original author of MySQL) but also Drizzle and Percona Server.
Once again t3g manages to completely derail a thread into a copyleft vs non-copyleft dick waving contest.
But in regards to the ACTUAL topic, mediagoblin:
It seems as though it is social media done right. However, I have a feeling that most people, i.e. people not aware of software freedom or breaches of online privacy and identity mining, probably won't use mediagoblin. But for those who do want some level of privacy and online freedom, then I think it will provide a much needed refuge for ex facebook/google etc users.
The fact that you actually use it as an installable program rather than a 'cloud' service is great, something we need to see more of.
This with webODF integration would be just beautiful :D I don't have money to donate, but I hope they get the expected funding goal so that I could give them donations in the future (and using it of course :D).
mediagoblin looks great, i think i might go for the t-shirt.
but about me using it: will the following make sense?
i have an old laptop with pentiumIV or older. i would install trisquelminiand make it into some sort of web server for a media goblin web page. the computer might die or need to be turned off. it will also be behind a router but not always thesame router. how would the decentrized web concept work with this? i guess my page will only be accesable as long as my computer is on?
"First of all, we currently have campaign matching of ten thousand
dollars! That means that until we hit $25k, things are currently
doubled. Once we hit that, we jump from $25k->$35k... like magic!"
(Chris Webber @ MediaGoblin)
I just threw in another $100 USD:
Who else can match it? It's like donating $200 USD!!!
I matched that amount, but it was the day before they announced the 1:1 scheme. It's kind of disappointing to see a noble project like mediagoblin somewhat struggle with the donations, but see plenty of ludicrous projects on kickstarter get >100K in donations in a matter of a couple of weeks.
I am sure that this problem is (also) due to the amount they ask. I remember when I tried to donate. To start they only showed the 15$ as a minimum (which I didn't have). Then I searched myself for a way to donate other values (I had 1$ at that time, not much but still), and when I tried to donate I saw that the minimum was 2$. So I'm sure that if a lot of people would donate 1$ they (MediaGoblin) would have much more money buy this time.
One other solution would be Kickstarter (if they are in the USA or in the UK) or IndieGogo (this could appeal more people indeed. Even myself wouldn't know about the project if it wasn't by this post).
PS: I can't match that but at least I can give 5$ and this is what I will give :D
> One other solution would be Kickstarter (if they are in the USA or in
> the UK) or IndieGogo (this could appeal more people indeed. Even
> myself wouldn't know about the project if it wasn't by this post).
http://dustycloud.org/blog/mediagoblin-campaign explain why it isn't
being done via Kickstarter. It has some advantages for the project,
some people might trust it more (or want their donations to be
tax-deductible) and the technical improvements done could be used by
other nonprofits (unlike the software Kickstarter uses).
Save up!
It's not really that important you donate to this cause in particular. There are lots of worthy causes that are underfunded. I've donated significantly more than I probably should have.
Some of the projects I'm a big fan of you could donate to:
Badly needs the money if you ask me.
Linterna Mágica:
I'm going to make it a personal goal of mine to contribute more. They don't get anywhere near what it is needed to fund the project. This project alone should have a few full time developers. I'd say it is probably more important than Trisquel.
They got the money although it's not enough considering what they are up against. The project is essentially fighting government corporate censorship. How do you fight that? A project with limited funds to fight 180 governments (or so) and MANY MANY well funded corporate entities whom all have unlimited funding. Ouch. Another one I haven't contributed to financially. We have the ThinkPenguin server set up to act as a node though which contributes about 600GB of premium bandwidth per month. Well, it was half that. I just increased it today.
Electronic Frontier Foundation:
Another good one. This is more of a political organization setup to fight for online liberties. They funded the Tor project for a long time. I've made contributions to them many of times.
American Civil Liberties Union:
Another good one. Although not focused on Internet censorship, free software, or anything similar. They fight what this community fights for in the "real" world. In the United States they fight against things like warrantless searches.
They have gotten bad publicity for some of the groups or people they have stood up for in the past. For instance they stood up for the rights of the Ku Klux Klan. Most people didn't understand the value in this. You can't pick and choose whose rights protect.
Unfortunately we are going downhill and probably always have been. There are some really disturbing laws on the books and rulings that have been upheld. Excuses made for restricting the rights of certain persons. Particularly those in prison or released from prison.
In the United States prisoners can't vote for instance, they can't organize upon release, and some are forced to live under bridges (I'm not joking).
The problem is that those projects are hard to find. I mean, I know the first 3 because of my search (and my old support for Humble Indie Bundle).
I just don't understand why the FSF website is so... well... oldie... I mean they adapted the Funding part to support a better funding for MediaGoblin (and futur projects).
They should promote their projects in the top page, something more visible, so that people concerned with software freedom (or just curious about what the fsf is) would go to the website, see a software that he/she uses everyday, and have a reaction like : - What ?!? This is Free Software ? And it protects my Freedoms ? And it needs donations to continue ? Damn... I will donate 100€ (okay maybe a little bit of exaggeration but still).
Those projects are difficult to reach for the public (even those concerned) and it is difficult to see them receiving donations "under the dark".
It is like gnash. I wanted to donate to that project a few weeks ago. So I searched, and this is what I've found:
WebSite: http://www.gnashdev.org/ Funding Page: http://www.pubsoft.org/pubsoft.py/viewprojects
I'm sorry but... what is this (funding page) ? This needs a little bit more work. I would love to help them (since I have a lot of free time, and will) improve the website (and other works) but it is the same for the FSF Recruting webpage, every word is like they are saying to me : - If you register you will be ours for the rest of you life.
Just see this : http://www.fsf.org/volunteer (at least this is how I feel after reading more in details each section).
I'm not the most rich person on this planet, it is the total inverse of that to be honest. But with all the money that I've give to those non-free corporation that stopped support after just a few years, months or even days. Now I am giving the most money to any free software project (if they allow it and show it clearly).
But thanks for the information :D
There could definitely be more focus on fund raising for free software by projects themselves. It's something I'm passionate about and I think that we (at ThinkPenguin) are on a good way to raising significant amounts for free software projects. I just to remember to keep going on the other projects which promote the business and make it feasible for us to grow (USB N adapters, better international support, building relationships with others, like LinuxMint, etc).
Hash: SHA1
Le 12-10-31 09:04 PM, name at domain a écrit :
> Update:
> "First of all, we currently have campaign matching of ten thousand
> dollars! That means that until we hit $25k, things are currently
> doubled. Once we hit that, we jump from $25k->$35k... like magic!"
> (Chris Webber @ MediaGoblin)
> I just threw in another $100 USD:
> http://mediagoblin.org/news/10k-campaign-matching.html
> Who else can match it? It's like donating $200 USD!!!
Thanks for your constant reminders. I finally got around to donating
something ($15).
Fabian Rodriguez
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Great to hear!
There is only one day left and we're only 65% there.
$38,735 of $60,000 has been raised.
If you have any more to spare (or anybody else does) please contribute now!
"This is our last week! And exciting times it is... for one thing,
we hit the 10k matching grant!"
From the media goblin team
Nice to know :D More can be done but it is a good start (if we can call this a start).
It is getting to its mark. I don't know if it will hit the $60,000 USD or not although it has gotten to $36,000 USD. Only one week left! If you haven't donated do it now. If you can spare $200 USD you'll get a chance to win tickets to pycon.
The campaign is over, and they reach the 71% of their goal. They seem to be very pleased with the results. I was very glad to participate. Thank Chris for sharing this info.
I'm pretty impressed with the results. $43,000 USD may not be ideal although it is basically enough to cover a full time developer for a year. It's not exactly going to pay a seasoned developer although it should be enough to cover someone at the entry level. Think internship + first year out of school.
On 2nd thought they are only getting about $28,000 after about $15,000 in administrative costs. That is near the poverty line in the US and nowhere near sufficient for a school-leaver. Computer science graduates (those with 4 year degree's- critical in todays America) are seeing starting salaries hovering around the $55,000-$60,000 mark.
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