Fwd: The European Union and its plans to scan all communication

1 Antwort [Letzter Beitrag]
Beigetreten: 04/01/2021

This was posted in the Troll Lounge, but I think it is serious enough to be posted here, so mailing list users will have an opportunity to get it before the April 15th deadline:


Beigetreten: 04/01/2021

This is truly creepy.

"In 2020 the European Commission proposed “temporary” legislation aimed at allowing the search of all private chats, messages, and emails for illegal depictions of minors and attempted initiation of contacts with minors. This is to allow the providers of Facebook Messenger, Gmail, et al, to scan every message for suspicious text and images.

This takes place in a fully automated process and using error-prone “artificial intelligence”. If an algorithm considers a message suspicious, its content and meta-data are disclosed automatically and without human verification to a private US-based organization and from there to national police authorities worldwide. The reported users are not notified.

Some U.S. providers of services such as Gmail and Outlook.com are already performing such automated messaging and chat controls. Through a second piece of legislation, the EU Commission intends to oblige all providers of chat, messaging and e-mail services to deploy this mass surveillance technology."
