FX Settings difficult in Audacity
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Even if Audacity can be a great sound editing tool, I'm very distrurbed by the way Audacity do things.
I'm trying to set the equalizer effect to a sound, but Audacity does't allow me to listening my setting while I'm doing it (I always have to set up first then listen a sample of what I've done).
Is there any way to modify this or is there any tool that allow to modify FX (especilally equalizer FX) in a sound file while in the FX setting ?
I'm a bit confused with plug in tools that seems to only work for midi softwares and maybe not Audacity.
Thanks in advance for your replys.
What may help you is
Start qjackctl > start equalizer in calf audio plugins > start audacity > send the audio from audacity to calf equalizer
and once you have liked the tweak you can finalize what you want in the audacity equalizer.
I didn't try it yet, but Ardour might be able to do it out of the box. Even LMMS, if I'm not mistaken.
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