GNI/LinuxFest Northwest

12 Antworten [Letzter Beitrag]

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Beigetreten: 04/23/2011

Thought I would post if anybody is in that area of the United States. It is not a free software event although there are lots of users who mostly use free software & GNU/Linux.

Slight possibility I'll go. Maybe with a booth for ThinkPenguin maybe not.

If anybody is interested in volunteering maybe a Trisquel booth / Free Software could be setup. They offer non-profit groups a free table.

Beigetreten: 09/13/2010

I'll be there, running the FSF booth. Maybe we'll get lucky and have tables near each other.


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Beigetreten: 01/29/2013


I live in Ohio but I would be interested to go this event and volunteer for a Trisquel Booth -- what would that entail and I am also able to provide some financial support for whatever the cost of setting this up will be!


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Beigetreten: 04/23/2011

I don't know yet although I sent a few emails with one of them being to the organizers of GNU/LinuxFest Northwest. I mentioned the FSF, Trisquel, and ThinkPenguin as all possible participants. I also mentioned the possibility of giving a speech. Waiting to hear back on what if anything they might be interested in.

The tables are free for non-profits. I'm not sure I'd want to do a ThinkPenguin booth as it won't ever pay for itself and just getting there is going to run a small fortune. However I'd be up for volunteering for a Trisquel/FSF booth.

I also would be willing to give a speech on free software / chipsets / hardware given that is my area of "expertise".

What I might do is fly out to Portland and then drive up with a few friends (Getting to Portland is about $200 cheaper). They are heavily involved with Freegeek and I know they have done tables at various conferences and events like this before. One of which I helped with actually (LinuxCon 2009-which was in Portland).

Beigetreten: 09/13/2010

name at domain wrote ..
> I sent a few emails one of them was to the organizers of GNI/LinuxFest
> Northwest. I mentioned the FSF, Trisquel, and ThinkPenguin as all
> participants. I also mentioned the possibility of giving a speech.
Waiting to
> hear back on what if anything they might be interested in.
> The tables are free for non-profits. I'm not sure I'd want to do a
> ThinkPenguin booth as it won't ever pay for itself and just getting
there is
> going to run a small fortune. However I'd be up for volunteering for a
> Trisquel/FSF booth.
> I also would be willing to give a speech on free software / chipsets /
> hardware given that is my area of "expertise".
> What I might do is fly out to Portland and then drive up with a few
> They are heavily involved with Freegeek and I know they have done
tables at
> various conferences and events like this before. One of which I
helped with
> (LinuxCon 2009-which was in Portland).

I know that the FSF will be there with a table either way.

Assuming that you go, if you're traveling from Portland to Bellingham,
would you care to stop in Seattle and grab me on the way? Assuming
that there's room, of course. Otherwise I plan to take the train.
Business class on Amtrak is nice here.


I am a member!

Beigetreten: 04/23/2011

The FSF seems to do a pretty good job with getting to conferences. I certainly notice they have a table at a lot of the conferences I've been to over the years.

I'm making an assumption at the moment that we will be driving up actually. I don't know the best way to get from point a to point b. I'll see if we can pick you up though if that is what we are doing. Nothing is in stone yet and I'm not sure who might be going with us either.


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Beigetreten: 09/19/2011

I'm planning to attend the Northeast GNU/Linux Fest March 16 and/or 17, at Harvard University. What sort of Trisquel presence is planned? Maybe this one is more convenient for some of you? It is in my back yard; LOL.


D. A. H.

On Jan 29, 2013, at 10:36 PM, name at domain wrote:

> The FSF seems to do a pretty good job with getting to conferences. I certainly notice they have a table at a lot of the conferences I've been to over the years.
> I'm making an assumption at the moment that we will be driving up actually. I don't know the best way to get from point a to point b. I'll see if we can pick you up though if that is what we are doing. Nothing is in stone yet and I'm not sure who might be going with us either.


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Beigetreten: 04/23/2011

Interesting. Boston is easy & cheap for me to get to. I'll add it to my calendar. Can't say for certain I'll go to this since I'm already planning to attend Libre Planet. However bring it up again and let us know when the event gets closer. There are only so many conferences I can reasonably attend. I don't know how RMS does it.

Do you know how large this event is?

Beigetreten: 09/13/2010

"I don't know how RMS does it."

It probably helps that he has a full-time assistance to manage

[0] Jeanne Rasata, Assistant to the President -


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Beigetreten: 04/23/2011


It might help... but... still.

I have a few assistants now and there is certainly no way I'd be able to pull it off. He is on the road half the year. He showed for two minutes at Libre Planet. And that is an event of the FSF.

I'm hoping to get involved a bit more with conferences and other events. I lack the experience in speech giving although I'd probably make an excellent candidate to get the word out about the importance of free software. Particularly where hardware and software merge.

Rubén, Clem, Mark Shuttleworth, Linus, and a lot of other people though are way higher up on the list of interest. That said I'm not sure if it would be worth the effort. If I don't draw in enough of a crowd it won't be worth my time and effort. We will see.

It was encouraging to me that it may be a hot topic at an upcoming GNU/Linux fest by one of the organizers. If I can find the time I'll submit a proposal. If it goes well maybe I'll refine and continue.


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Beigetreten: 01/29/2013

I am trying to decide if I should go to this one or Libre Planet -- I think both would be very interesting events and I understand that they have different goals. But as much as I would love to go to both I think that I will only have the resources to go to one or the other.

Which one do you think will be more productive for Trisquel?

Beigetreten: 09/13/2010

If you have to choose, pick LibrePlanet. No question.


I am a member!

Beigetreten: 04/23/2011

Definitely hit up Libre Planet before this festival. I'm pretty confident this event won't be nearly as interesting if you go (not that I've been to it). However that said it is all about the people. I met Rubén at last years Libre Planet and that was great. There are also a lot of other people that I can pretty much guarantee will be at Libre Planet this year. I'm going to go short of something unforeseen. I think Rubén is going to try and make it again. I think somebody else paid for his ticket last year. I'm not sure where the funds might come from for this years ticket though. Europe to the USA is pretty expensive. Depending on our resources we might be willing/able to cover it although I'm speaking too soon.

It looks like I'll be at this festival and jxself too so either way I think you'll find either one worth the trip to attend.