GNOME MPlayer plays sound only for root
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Hi everyone.
First of all, thanks for providing us this amazing distribution, I tried tons of distros but none can fit my old Asus eeePC 701 better than Trisquel Mini!
Now the bad. I'm having a problem regarding sound in GNOME Mplayer. The player suddenly does not play sound anymore if opened by me (user) but plays it perfectly if opened as root. I googled a lot and tried few fixes (i.e. adding user to audio group etc.), but nothing worked.
If it can help: Mplayer (not GNOME Mplayer) files openend from terminal work perfectly, so it seems the problem is related to "user's" GNOME Mplayer only. In addition, everything in the system is updated and I already tried a complete fresh reinstall of GNOME Mplayer and its libraries.
Thanks in advance!
Gnome-MPlayer is only a GUI for MPlayer proper (Gnome Media Player is a different program). You can install several other skins on your MPlayer.
I'd think that MPlayer is the perfect media player for your netbook. You should be aware that MPlayer can be controlled with the keyboard. You don't have to start MPlayer from the CLI. Make an association in your favourite file manager for video files and point them to MPlayer. Then click on a file and MPlayer will play it.
Sound= 9/0 down/up
Forward/Rewind= arrows <-- --> or mouse scroll
FF/Rewind faster= page up/page down
Pause= p/spacebar
Resume= p/spacebar again
Quit= Enter/Esc
Screenshot= s
For the screenshot functionality to work, you'll have to make a hidden folder in your /home/user/.mplayer and create a file in it 'config'. Put a line 'vf=screenshot' there.
For Gnome-MPlayer, you have probably checked mute/audio output (Alsa or something). If you can't get it sorted out, try Audacious or Deadbeef for music files.

First of all, thanks for both answers!
The output is:
[GMLIB-Message: after init: position=0,000 length=0,000 start_time=0,000 run_time=0,000 volume=0,00 player=dead media=unknown uri=
I also tried to execute gnome-mplayer as root and have the same output, but this time sound works.
I successfully managed to associate audio and video files to MPlayer. If I don't find a solution I'll stick to MPlayer without the GNOME GUI, as you suggest.
By the way, I attached few screenshots of my GNOME-MPlayer options (tell me if you need screenshots of other sections): is there anything strange?
Try changing the default audio output to something else. Try Alsa, OSS or Pulse ; if it shows Intel HDA, try that too. I'm on OpenBSD/LibertyBSD, that's why I have SNDIO as the audio server.
It could be a bug in Trisquel Mini. You are not the first to ask about this issue.
You could try SMPlayer, which is another popular frontend for MPlayer.
Mplayer has a fork called MPlayer2. I don't know what the benefits are, if any. Looks like a dormant project.
Your MPlayer might have a GUI built-in already. I'm not sure if the Trisquel package was compiled with the './configure --enable-gui' option. If it's available, the command to start MPlayer in GUI mode is 'gmplayer' (you need a skin for it).
Problem solved! I did what you suggested and tried to switch between all of the available audio outputs, discovering that one of them lets sound work again! More precisely, the audio output mentioned is "HDA Intel (ALC662 rev1 Analog) (alsa)", as you supposed.
Thank you very much, I really appreciate your help! Hope other users will someday solve the same problem by reading this topic. Cheers!
I'm glad to hear that the issue was easily solved. You're welcome. Happy hacking!
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