Is Google the biggest, most successful proprietary software company ever?

10 Antworten [Letzter Beitrag]
Beigetreten: 11/20/2016

This title is based on the premise that web services are proprietary, user-subjugating when they are not Aferro GPL licensed.

BTW, Google forbids software licensed under AGPL.


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Beigetreten: 10/31/2014

>Is Google the biggest, most successful proprietary software company ever?

I think that would Adobe but I also think I am probably wrong. Microshit? that is Microscam?

Beigetreten: 11/20/2016

Not trolling, just saying.

I don't know what to do about my reliance on Google's user-subjugating software


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Beigetreten: 06/19/2015

> Nobody is trying to hurt you and not all of us are young,

I am.

> childless,

I am.

> middle
> class

I am not.

If anybody would like to help me balance my poverty situation, message

- $1,600/mo.
- reliant on others for transportation
- work in Lee's Summit, Missouri, USA
- boyfriend in Independence, Missouri, USA
- cash only
- must travel to ATM to get cash
- landline telephone
- no cellphone
- no e-commerce
- brick and mortar stores only
- broadband internet
- no cable TV service
- VPN for torrents
- all meals homemade, from scratch: beans, rice, vegetables
- restaurant meals for BF (IDK how to cook edible non-vegan food)
- vegan toothpaste
- vegan deodorant
- multiple hard drives to back up my laptop PROPERLY

> men

I am.

> who went to elite prep schools and

I am not.

I lack the money and sanity to attend.

> live in their mother's
> basements.

I am.

> We're not all wearing black hoodies either.

I am not.

My hoodie is brown, because black is cold, depressing, shows dirt, and
worsens summer heat.


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Beigetreten: 07/07/2017

> I don't know what to do about my reliance on Google's user-subjugating
> software

Once an abuser like Google has control over parts of your life it can be very difficult to free yourself. What Google antiservices do you feel dependent on? We may be able to suggest replacements and/or strategies for migrating to them.

Beigetreten: 11/20/2016

I am reliant on gmail and YouTube anti services. Also Android.

Is it possible to live without email?


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Beigetreten: 07/07/2017

I finally switched from Gmail just a few days ago. I'm using my own domain, but here are some providers you might consider.

Lavabit is also an option if you're okay with using a mail client.

Some of these services might charge a few dollars a month, but it's better than paying with your privacy. The easiest way to migrate is probably to set up your Gmail account to forward everything to your new address, and respond to these emails from your new address. Gmail will still see these incoming messages, but they won't see your responses, and people will gradually come to use your new address until you no longer need Gmail at all.

As for Android, see if your device is supported by Replicant, which is a fully libre mobile operating system.

If not, and you can't afford to buy one, see if your current device is supported by LineageOS, which is not 100% libre but much better than Android and supports a larger set of devices.

If your device isn't supported by LineageOS either, the next best thing is to replace Google Play with the F-Droid repository.

Even switching to Replicant won't avoid all of the problems with mobile phones. The bootloader and modem will still be proprietary, and any device that connects to the cell network can be tracked, but your questions was specifically about being independent of Google. If you are interested in an alternative to using a cell phone and live in North America you might consider JMP.


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Beigetreten: 07/07/2017

Yes. In fact, you can port your old phone number to JMP, install a SIP and an XMPP client on a smartphone with Replicant and a data-only plan, and have a device that works exactly like a phone when you need one. I have such a device that I leave at home as much as possible, but will bring with me if I'm going somewhere I really think I'll need to receive calls/texts and won't have WiFi to check JMP on my laptop.

Magic Banana

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Beigetreten: 07/24/2010

web services are proprietary, user-subjugating

The free/proprietary distinction is for copies of programs. If you are talking about Google's JavaScript that is copied in your RAM and that your Web browser executes, then yes, it is proprietary, user-subjugating...

when they are not Aferro GPL licensed.

... but you are apparently talking about code that is remotely executed. It is indeed where the GNU Affero GPL makes a difference. Google's software that it is the only one to execute is "trivially free": there is one single copy and its owner (Google here) has the four essential freedoms.

The AGPL is nicer than the GPL... for developers. For users, both licenses are the same. In particular, "the GNU Affero GPL does not address the problem of Service as a Software Substitute (SaaSS)":

Now, not all Google services are SaaS: the Web search engine, GMail or YouTube are not SaaS, i.e., they do not provide services that you could achieve alone, on your own computer. They distribute proprietary JavaScript, which is unjust. They are serious privacy concerns. But they are not SaaS. And, again, even if they were SaaS, the GNU Affero GPL would not solve this problem:

BTW, Google forbids software licensed under AGPL.

What do you mean? Do Google Play's Terms of Service prevent AGPL software to be distributed on Google Play? Apparently not:

Beigetreten: 01/09/2013

CalmStorm, Heather, Magic Banana, mason,
calher, SuperTramp83, and rcl.

But to be in the hand of a master troller, All the licenses does have its plus and minuses depending on each, what are the purpose is been used? or been elaborated for!

But for a master Troller to infuse his words in this subject, been respectful at all times.
I use SOME KIND OF GPL LICENSE INFLUENCE , for example: AGPL LICENSE STIGMA, AND MY FAVORITE ONE, the GNU Affero GPL does not address the problem of Service as a Software.
My repertoire is cover by F GPL SERVICE will you believe me or not?
What is that F GPL SERVICE?

Beigetreten: 04/24/2013

I have an Android 5.1 phone without any SIM card installed in it. I don't use the WI-FI and it is left continuously in flight mode. Nevertheless, it is possible to dial an emergency number with it. I use it only for note-taking using an .apk app, pdf reading using pocketbook, taking pictures and occasionally obtaining GPS coordinates with GPS test. I am almost certain that because of this, I am not able to write files to it after successfully mounting it using sudo mtpfs -o allow_other, I only see files, read them but not write, except on one single occasion, after failed repeated attempts, was able to copy a .pdf to the built-in SD card where the Android filesystem is configured for all user data. What baffles me is that from the bash terminal the sudo cp is invoked and without complaining leaves the the destination untouched. I can create directories but can't copy files! Using the usb otg cable, I can copy files in or out to a flash or removable hard drive using the Android File Manager, but at the expense of losing original file date-time attributes. Has anyone tried this also?