Help with Evolution Email from this Forum?

26 Antworten [Letzter Beitrag]
Beigetreten: 12/06/2014

Hallo dear Community, I'm sorry to be using the Trisquel Forum for a question of concern to Evolution Email really but this is Trisquel's default Email Application so I hope it will be admissible to ask a question about this here.

I am trying to configure Evolution Email to use with my email account. T-Online is Germany's biggest Internet Provider, so I gather it shouldn't be too exotic for Evolution to deal with.

Email works fine when sending mail, but I've been unable to receive any. I keep getting this error message:

"Cannot communicate securely with peer: no common encryption algorithm(s)"

Does that mean that Evolution cannot be used with T-Online at all? I am pretty positive that the server settings I used are fine, I quadruple checked with the t-online settings and my icedove settings and they are identical.

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance!

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Beigetreten: 12/06/2014

I found out what the problem is. Since october 14, evolution can no longer be used with t-online, because they fear a poodle attack and have hence deactivated any ssl3.0 certificates.

There must be an update available from Evolution to work around this, no? Can the Trisquel people please ask if it is possible to include this new certificate in the next update or let me know how I can get it?

Otherwise the standard email app in trisquel will no longer be available to most german users.

Beigetreten: 05/13/2010

> Can the Trisquel people please ask if it is possible to include this new certificate in the next update or let me know how I can get it?

It's not a new certificate but an old cipher suite. If somebody should update, it's t-online.

You might want to read these and include them in your email to t-mobile.

Beigetreten: 12/06/2014

Dear lembas. I appreciate your revolutionary perspective. But T-Online has 5 Million customers. How many users does Trisquel have? I think it's quite obvious who will in practice adapt and my worry is that I cannot use my email account, nothing else.

Besides T-Online did just what the article on wikipedia here recommends:

"To mitigate the POODLE attack, one approach is to completely disable SSL 3.0 on the client side and the server side."

The latest version of Evolution apparently no longer has the problem so it would be great for Trisquel to make it available.

davidnotcoulthard (nicht überprüft)

It's not that simple: Trisquel copies almost all of its packages from Ubuntu, Evolution included.

And there's not a chance that they (Ubuntu)'ll make it available like that - they don't ever do that. You have to wait until the next Ubuntu release for an updated Evolution - that's the way Ubuntu works (for stability and sanity reasons, I think - what if Ubuntu Lucid had GNOME updated to version 3.0? All hell would break loose on forums....).

So, how does Icedove work?

davidnotcoulthard (nicht überprüft)

"Hallo dear Community, I'm sorry to be using the Trisquel Forum for a question of concern to Evolution Email" There's nothing wrong with that as far as I can see.

Does it work with Icedove (read Thunderbird) E-mail?

Anyway, does Evolution's setup match (regarding the "

Der Posteingangsserver in Ihrem E-Mail-Programm muss lauten: (Port 993)

Der Postausgangsserver lautet: (Port 465)" part?)

Beigetreten: 12/06/2014

thank you very much but this is not a problem of the server settings but of trisquel not including the latest version of evolution in their distro.

Beigetreten: 09/02/2014

That's because Trisquel 7 is based on Ubuntu 14.04
Maybe you can download a newer package manually or check if there's one in GNOME's ppa.

Beigetreten: 08/11/2014


I don't understand anything about german, but maybe you'll find some information here :

You can also contact the project devs :

I've just changed my default mail application from evolution to icedove (thunderbird fork), mainly because evolution doesn't displays correctly multiple pop accounts. Maybe you should give it a try.

Beigetreten: 12/06/2014

Dear Sasaki,
thank you very much but the thread you are linking to is about the settings for the servers and has nothing to do with this problem.

davidnotcoulthard (nicht überprüft)

Icedove, then?

(Anyway I don't recall ever seeing "tj" in German words so do you live a wee bit to the west?)

Beigetreten: 12/06/2014

Icedove works but since it is impossible to remove evolution and it is integrated in the gnome environment etc. i would love to use it. apparently according to the evolution mail list the problem has been fixed in the newer version of evolution.
Sorry but no time for pvt chatting here;-)

davidnotcoulthard (nicht überprüft)

I'm pretty sure you can safely remove it. The "trisquel(-desktop/common/base)" packages are all empty packages that do absolutely nothing but drag other packages into being installed - and I think they can be safely removed.

Or to be on the safe side might help.

Beigetreten: 12/06/2014

thank you david:-)

davidnotcoulthard (nicht überprüft)

Anyway if you removed Evolution, just to make sure all is well what is the output when you do "sudo apt-get autoremove"?

(You'd get asked yes or no - pick no for now)

Beigetreten: 12/06/2014

Dear David,
I am not going to try and remove it because I read some other thread that this is causing serious problems. And really, I 'd like to use Evolution as well, not remove it. I suppose it wouldn't be much of a bother to the Trisquel developers to get us an update with the latest Evolution..that would make the distro more appealing to at least 5 million t-online users in Germany. T-Online decided to prevent any poodle attacks by disabling support for this SSL3.0 thing. Not a computer geek whatever it is, I hope that we will see the latest Evolution in this distro soon

Beigetreten: 05/30/2012

You're underestimating how problematic updating Evolution could be. Two big problems would arise:

1. Newer versions of Evolution are made to work with newer versions of GNOME. There could be incompatibilities.

2. Ubuntu isn't updating Evolution, so if Trisquel did, it be on its own providing security updates for it. That would increase the amount of work the few Trisquel developers would have to do, or if they just didn't do that work, it would put the security of Trisquel at risk.

Honestly, I don't think there's any particular reason to favor Evolution for mail. All I use Evolution for is the calendar (and honestly, I think that should be split off; I don't get why they're lumped together into one app). For mail, IceDove works much better, mainly because it's so good at automatically figuring out how to communicate with mail servers.

davidnotcoulthard (nicht überprüft)

"I am not going to try and remove it because I read some other thread that this is causing serious problems."

Forgive me for flogging on a dead horse a bit but I'm ab-so-lute-ly sure that there's ab-so-lute-ly nothing wrong about removing Evolution. I install a plain Trisquel system before I then install packages like MATE/KDE and nothing was wrong after or before I installed Evolution.

"I suppose it wouldn't be much of a bother to the Trisquel developers to get us an update with the latest Evolution"

As onpon4 explained is is much of a bother, unfortunately :(. And regarding the "5 million people" argument, Ubuntu (which has definitely got the same problem, I reckon) has uite a lot of users as well (not sure it they've got 5 million, though).


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Beigetreten: 09/19/2011

Last time I checked, Ubuntu doesn't include Evolution; they use T-Bird.

davidnotcoulthard (nicht überprüft)

In the repos.


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Beigetreten: 10/31/2014

smutjes - you can safely remove evolution (I did so and the has been no problem whatsoever- I like icedove with enigmail).
Just don't remove evolution-data-server-common or the libs that are shared with other key parts of trisquel, like trisquel-session..
Use synaptics and search for "evolution", then remove the few voices (I think ther were two or three) starting with evolution. But be sure to select one at the time and keep an eye on what they include in the deletion process!!

davidnotcoulthard (nicht überprüft)

Hi, I've just realised that the version available in is actually newer than the one that comes with Trisquel 7 - it might solve the problem (make sure to disable the PPA after installing Evolution, though, unless you want to use GTK 3.12).

Beigetreten: 12/06/2014

David, thank you that sounds great! Just what do I have to do to add a ppa in Trisquel. It seems to me this might be a little more complex than in Ubuntu no?

davidnotcoulthard (nicht überprüft)

Just Add it, update APT install Evolution, and I think you'd want to then disable the PPA so that not everything gets updated.

Magic Banana

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Beigetreten: 07/24/2010

$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:gnome3-team/gnome3-staging

Beigetreten: 12/06/2014

I found this here:

I still believe that an inclusion of a newer Evolution is important for this distro.

davidnotcoulthard (nicht überprüft)

Actually, according to one of the pages you linked to, I think Quidam only needs to take the current Evolution, and rebuild it with a patch.