Help me come up with a name for this Trisquel fork.
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I want to make a fork of Trisquel that is inspired by Crunchbang but retains 100% libre. The ISO is 650mb. However, I don't know what to name it. I have a mascot, which is a little green octopus.
Anyone have some good ideas for a cool name? Maybe something aquatic or octopus-related? lol.
Thanks in advance for any suggestions.
"I want to make a fork of Trisquel"
If Trisquel isn't meeting your needs in some way please help to address that by joining the development of Trisquel to improve it and the things that don't work for you rather than fragmenting effort by starting a new one.
Do you think other Trisquel users would be accepting of a Crunchbang-like official flavor of Trisquel?
This was what I was thinking. It is better for us to band together and improve a project to further greatness than further fragmentation. While I can see the potential for a slightly different flavour of Trisquel to be added to the current ISO's but even then it would have to be a fairly big difference for it to be of any real major use.
Totally agree.
Do you think other Trisquel users would be accepting of a Crunchbang-like
official flavor of Trisquel?
This was what I was thinking. It is better for us to band together and
improve a project to further greatness than further fragmentation. While I
can see the potential for a slightly different flavour of Trisquel to be
added to the current ISO's but even then it would have to be a fairly big
difference for it to be of any real major use.
Totally agree.
Trisquel is probably a bad choice for the base of a Crunchbang-esque distribution. (If Crunchbang's lower system requirements is what you're going for.)
What is it about Crunchbang that you like?
I myself am not a Crunchbang user, I have always made my own forks of various other platforms that are similar (better imho) to Crunchbang. I now want to proceed with these principles on a completely free system.
I like Crunchbang-esque distros because I am a very minimal person. I like minimal environments, simplified menus, slim designs, many preset configs, a wider range of preinstalled program types, and superior software choices out of the box.
Despite what you may imagine, the official Crunchbang was not very lightweight. Any debian or ubuntu-based system running Openbox will use less memory. So I figured Trisquel with Openbox would be a good candidate.
I myself am not a Crunchbang user, I have always made my own forks of various
other platforms that are similar (better imho) to Crunchbang. I now want to
proceed with these principles on a completely free system.
I like Crunchbang-esque distros because I am a very minimal person. I like
minimal environments, simplified menus, slim designs, and distros that have
superior and more software choices out of the box.
Despite what you may imagine, the official Crunchbang was not very
lightweight. Any debian or ubuntu-based system running Openbox will use less
memory. So I figured Trisquel with Openbox would be a good candidate.
First of all. Great that you want to help free software.
Instead of a fork, maybe be a part of the NetInstall disc as KDE is today. KDE version is called Triskel i think. Maybe get your project there? Name suggestion Trisbox ?? Most people here would not recommend using the word "open" in Openbox because it hints to open source.
I see that make a fork of something can be great if a project has lost its road or stopped developing but forking a project that is walking the correct path and forking it.... It will just lead to confusion and people in the free software have to work more for less because their is no cooperation.
Very understandable. Crunchbang was discontinued recently.
If you think it would be a good alternate edition of Trisquel, maybe Crunchsquel? Tribang?
Tribang for me sounds good. It hints for Trisquel and Crunchbang. The name makes me think of Indian tribes.
Make it easy... Rip Openbox and all the settings, menues and welcome screen from CB (If they are under a freedom respecting license) and implement it under a Netinstall concole of Trisquel. Forking the dead project CB and making it only run free software under Trisquel sounds for me a good alternative.
Make it easy. If you can lower the burden/work load for this project on yourself the better. Make it simple. Be lazy. freedom allows that. :)
"I have a mascot, which is a little green octopus."
Convert Trisquels logo to a green three armed octopus?
"Crunchbang was discontinued recently."
I am using CrunchBang Plus Plus. The legacy continues.. :D
Tribang for me sounds good. It hints for Trisquel and Crunchbang. The name
makes me think of Indian tribes.
Make it easy... Rip Openbox and all the settings, menues and welcome screen
from CB (If they are under a freedom respecting license) and implement it
under a Netinstall concole of Trisquel. Forking the dead project CB and
making it only run free software under Trisquel sounds for me a good
Make it easy. If you can lower the burden/work load for this project on
yourself the better. Make it simple. Be lazy. freedom allows that. :)
"Crunchbang was discontinued recently."
I am using CrunchBang Plus Plus. The legacy continues.. :D
Very understandable. Crunchbang was discontinued recently.
If you think it would be a good alternate edition of Trisquel, maybe
Crunchsquel? Tribang?
There is trisquel mini, perhaps work on that instead of forking?
que0ctopussI 8
Octoquel or Seaquel
Those are my suggestions lol
The first thing that poped into my mind was Cthulhu, so trithulu or Cthuel or something strange like that. ;)
Pretty stupid suggesion I guess but I had to mention it. ^^
I also agree that it could be a part of Trisquel like Triskel is.
Ovine nearly all GNU/Linux-Libre Distributions rely actually on
1 developer except Trisquel (2)
Blag :1
Dragora :1
Musix: 1(?)
Dynebolic: 1
gNewSense :1
Parabola :??
Not endorsed but Libre
ConnochaetOS: 1
Why Fork when it's obvious that all these projects need help in their developement!
You could have said the same thing to the trisquel developers when they started the project... "why not join gnewsense?"
You could have said the same thing to the trisquel developers when they
started the project... "why not join gnewsense?"
In fact i doubt whether this person is in fact we may be wasting our time in answering to his""sunday fantassy"...
Or even arguing the need of help that GNU/Linux-Libre distributions developers need.
I may sound harsh...I bark but don't bite :)
If he is serious and gifted with such skills that enable him to be able to fork Trisquel well i would highly recommend that he help existing projects
that are mostly developed & maintained by one person,mostly on their spare time ....
If you want a style like Crunchbang, why not just install Trisquel via a netinstall ISO and then install Openbox and go from there?
You could, but he can make the ditsro come with an even better customized
version of the OpenBox configiration.
If you want a style like Crunchbang, why not just install Trisquel via a
netinstall ISO and then install Openbox and go from there?
You could, but he can make the ditsro come with an even better customized version of the OpenBox configiration.
Suggesting once or twice that ovine should join the development of an existing distro is one thing. But now you are basically accusing him that he's doing something bad, which the exact opposite of what he says he wants to do.
Trisquel isn't the first libre distro either, but you aren't complaining that it exists are you?
Not only some of you sound harsh, but also very entitled.
Thanks for the feedback, everyone.
I am serious about creating distros, I have created three in the past, two of which got some decent notoriety. I love to make distros. I do not use remaster scripts, I just use a terminal.
If I end up forking it as a different product, I will probably at least create a package or script that will convert the user's Trisquel environment to a crunchbang-like environment
It would be awesome if you created packages to duplicate that environment and pushed into the Trisquel repos instead of a complete distro.
It would be awesome if you created packages to duplicate that environment and
pushed into the Trisquel repos instead of a complete distro.

Mangy Dog, mate I just want to say - pure genius!! +34
PulpOS!! Want!
haha It's good fun ;-)cheers!
Sunshine Bodega,ceverza,tapas & PulpOS
haha It's good fun ;-)cheers!
Sunshine Bodega,ceverza,tapas & PulpOS
Mangy Dog, mate I just want to say - pure genius!! +34
PulpOS!! Want!
How about "Kore".
How about "Frax".
How about "Fraxel".
How about "Fraxel".
How about "Dup".
How about "OctoLibre".
How about "OctoLinux".
How about "OpenOcto".
How about "Octo8".
What display manager will you be using, maybe you should try get the Debian lightdm and customize it somehow. Idk.
what works best with sticky tentacles?
I don't know. Maybe slim?
I don't know. Maybe slim?
what works best with sticky tentacles?
What about "Trisocto" or "TrisOcto"?
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