Help --- please, a tutorial at Evolution, i use a Microsoft LIVE account, im trying n not sucessfull to config my emails.. ty

2 Antworten [Letzter Beitrag]
Beigetreten: 12/31/2015

hi, i use windows n im new into linux etc...

please, help me configure my live account.. ty..

Beigetreten: 12/31/2015

ty for help, now im using linux mint, a way easier, and finnaly my windows 8 runs only at vmware ... maybe in the future i will go all free,, u know, i have a lot of devices n im poor, i cant just drop this things at trash for some bilderberd alex jones teories at BLOB or BLOP whatever firmware... one thing i know.... Today im better even doing some easy batches at bash nano editor or wahtelse,, ty..

Beigetreten: 12/31/2015

ty for help, now im using linux mint, a way easier, and finnaly my windows 8
runs only at vmware ... maybe in the future i will go all free,, u know, i
have a lot of devices n im poor, i cant just drop this things at trash for
some bilderberd alex jones teories at BLOB or BLOP whatever firmware... one
thing i know.... Today im better even doing some easy batches at bash
nano editor or wahtelse,, ty..