How to backup certain files only?

5 Antworten [Letzter Beitrag]
Beigetreten: 10/15/2014

This is for my home folder I'd like to only keep certain files backed up in all directories.
I want to backup only audio, web, office and ebooks(epub,pdf,mobi and office formats doc,odf...etc. and web formats html,xhtml,xml...etc.)
How do I accomplish this?
What is your favorite backup tool to use?
I think I really like lucky backup.

This is for a backup drive to save up space on.
What commands can I enter in a terminal that would recursively remove all video formats, disk image formats...etc ?
Also, can you specify how big the files can be to not be removed? like a 1gb limit or so. This is on a drive that I backed up files to but I am willing to keep the small files like office, web and ebook formats as long as they are not over a certain size.

Magic Banana

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Beigetreten: 07/24/2010

All tools allow you to list the folders to back up. For instance, "Backups", in the "System Settings" has "Folder to save" (in the left pane) and a "+" allow you to "add" folders.

This is for a backup drive to save up space on.

If you then remove the original files, it is not a backup: it is just moving files between disks! You can use the file manager to do so.

What commands can I enter in a terminal that would recursively remove all video formats, disk image formats...etc ?

'find'. See 'info find' or 'man find'.

But you can graphically search files (and then remove them) too: filtering on the name, the type, a maximal size, etc. That tool is in the default Trisquel install (the package is "gnome-search-tool").

Beigetreten: 10/15/2014

I want to exclude certain files and file sizes when making a backup. I want to keep certain file types in downloads but not real big files or video files. Just small files of audio, office, web and ebook formats included in keeping. How can I do this?

Magic Banana

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Beigetreten: 07/24/2010

The easiest is to search for those files (e.g., with the GNOME search tool) and move them in separate folders (named "videos" and "large" for instance) that you can then exclude from from the backup (e.g., "Folder to ignore" in "Backups", in the "System Settings").

Beigetreten: 10/15/2014

Cool, I use gnome's disk usage analyzer to help with removing files to find where the biggest files are.
To find duplicate files with gnome-search-tool I just switch to organize by file name then they come together side by side so I can delete the duplicates. :)

Magic Banana

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Beigetreten: 07/24/2010

There are specific tools to find duplicates: fslint (with a GUI), rdfind, fdupes, and duff are in Trisquel's repository.