How to create a "ffalse lenght" for a video file?
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Hey guys.
I want to create an empty file (preferably in MKV format) that has a false header so that if a media player opens it will think this is a 3 hour long file.
Is it possible??
I will have mplayer dumping content into the file but I need the time to already be estabilished.
Here's something -
From the link :
" You can use ffmpeg for this:
ffmpeg -t 7200 -s 640x480 -f rawvideo -pix_fmt rgb24 -r 25 -i /dev/zero empty.mpeg
-t: length of the video
-s: frame size
-f: video format
-pix_fmt: pixel format
-r: fps
-i: input "
I will take a look at that. Had been reading around but didn't find that one.
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