How to disable DVD player in Trisquel?

1 Antwort [Letzter Beitrag]
Trisk Spellian
Beigetreten: 03/20/2015

Hey there!

I've got a ThinkPenguin laptop which I love. Only problem is that it has a DVD player that has a button on it and the button keeps getting accidentally pushed, which ejects the DVD player tray. Super annoying.

I suppose I *could* open the laptop and disable the wires to the motherboard, but I'd rather not. Was hoping there is a way to disable the DVD player through the software side using Trisquel, by like, not automatically starting up on boot or something. Then I could easily re-enable it if I need it again, which is rare.

Any help is appreciated!

Beigetreten: 12/10/2013

First, you have to change your udev rules. There is a rule that ejects the drive when the button is pressed, and this rule causes problems.
Open /lib/udev/rules.d/60-cdrom_id.rules in a text editor (as root) and comment out the line with DISK_EJECT_REQUEST by putting a hash at the beginning of the line.

Then, to lock the drive:
$ eject -i 1

And to unlock:
$ eject -i 0