How to setup a conky in Trisquel-mini 6.0 64 bit?
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I like this simple conky:
I tried to setup but without success. I saw a black thing and conky not starts on I reboot my laptop.
This is the source code for conky:
How are you making conky start when after you login?
I type in terminal : conky. And after that I see all the text but with a black background on top of my background wallpaper.
Problem solved.
LXDE is by design a light-weight graphical environment with no direct composite manager.
There are 3 options:
1. xcompmgr - a basic lightweight composite manager with a few effects such as shadows and translucent windows. Works with Cairo or Docky. N.B. don't forget to add xcompmgr as part of your autostart programs on logon.
2. metacity - the standard software based composite manager for basic graphics cards
3.compiz - the fully fledged all singing all dancing wobbly effects composite manager requiring a more modern graphics card.
I installed first manager and now I have transparency.
sudo apt-get install xcompmgr
After this must to go in: /etc/xdg/lxsession/Trisquel-mini
and edit the file "autostart" and add:
@conky -p 3
@xcompmgr -c
My autostart file have this:
@lxpanel --profile Trisquel-mini
@xscreensaver -no-splash
@xcompmgr -c
@pcmanfm --desktop --profile Trisquel-mini
@conky -p 3
I found the answer here:
"There are 3 options"
There is a fourth, and it is the better option out of all four. Use Compton.
Here are some directions for installing on XFCE wich work just fine in LXDE as well.
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