HPLIP update breaks printer hp psc 1215

3 Antworten [Letzter Beitrag]

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Beigetreten: 01/11/2011

I upgraded HPLIP from Dagda's update repositories a week or so ago and I could no longer use the scanner of my hp psc 1215 printer via "Simple Scan". Downgrading (by removing hplip packages, disabling update repositories and installing hplip from Dagda's regular repository) brings the scanner to its previous working state. It should be noted that only the scanner still works in this printer (the printer doesn't work anymore).

Beigetreten: 11/07/2009

Hello. I have an HP Deskjet F4140, also not recognized by either Simple Scan or XSane. Hp Device Manager also does not recognize the printer, and yet the printer works for printing documents etc.


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Beigetreten: 04/23/2011

Both of these printers only have partial support in GNU/Linux. The ideal printers are those designated by HP as having full support, no non-free firmware requirement, no driver plug-in requirement, have no features that are unsupported, and are indicated as recommended by HP.

That being said this may not be the problem.

Beigetreten: 11/07/2009

I've "downgraded" my OS to Trisquel 4.5 and find that XSane and Simple Scan both recognize my printer. HPLIP Toolbox also recognized it. All is well now.I'm thinking something in 5.0 is not "up to snuff".