I wanna use Trisquel but what version?
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This is the Trisquel version i downloaded is this correct?
Trisquel 5.5 STS Brigantia
Release date: 16, Apr 2012
Downloads: 22639
700MB CD iso image
GNOME desktop
English and Spanish translations preinstalled1
That is a good choice. It's the standard version recommended for most users. There is an older long term support version too which is also good although it's about to get replaced with Trisquel 6 so you may want to just go with what you downloaded and upgrade when it arrives. Upgrades are generally pretty easy. You just have to click a button and wait an hour or so for it to install.
Thanks alot i am happy i found this real happy this has t be the best Distro i have ever seen and i will get more using this can I do a reveiw on this Distro and post it on my youtube also what does Trisquel 6 have thats new any info on it thanks.also your missing a Canada french/english keyboard layout i am from canada and would like a english layout also french for those that are french in canada.I almost forgot how do i get the source code for this Distro so i can make legitament change also I am looking to learn how to make software based on linux mostly games i wanna step away from windows the sad part is i have tons of cash invested in steam becasue all i wanna do is game I also created the White & Black Gaming Society to stop racism in gaming.Sorry to to bother you guys so much but is there a broadcasting site thats free and not flash somthing like twitch or own3d i am sick of flash not working well on GNU/linux.
Nobody is going to stop you from posting a video on YouTube.
If you are referring to libre.thinkpenguin.com in regards to the laptops the non-US layout keyboard options are dependent on the compatibility existing between our laptops and other larger companies. There is some compatibility between companies in regards to laptops although it is near impossible to figure out. Once you do though you can frequently get hundreds of different layouts in other languages which your company can't actually acquire due to low demand. For instance the French / English Canadian layout keyboard might be available although is like one layout which would not be in sufficient demand for us to source in large quantities.
The thing with most laptops is that there aren't that many manufacturers for any component including the chassis. Everybody who has a brand uses one of 4-5 companies for manufacturing. That is why each generation you find the laptops are generally the same between manufacturers. What one manufacturer does everybody else has to do. Apple's not that different despite what people think/claim. They're using the same chipsets and the same general designs as everybody else underneath. Apple doesn't have it's own graphics chipset- they use nVidia, they don't have there own CPUs, they use Intel (and I think IBM in the past), they don't have there own wireless chipset, they use Intel/Atheros/and probably others, etc. The cases aren't that different either. They've just done the marketing on a massive scale. You can find very sleek and simple cases. There are a number of manufacturers which have fabricated similar cases prior to Apple's own designs.
Anyway. The keyboard options that are available on current models is limited. We do have a laptop that should be up shortly that I believe we can fit with Germany/French/Spanish/English layout. If not we will have it soon for this model. We have a few other new models coming in September too. All should have a decent select of keyboard layouts available (German/French/Spanish/English/ and maybe a few others). We are seeing demand increasing and it is likely we will have more layouts available besides those in the future. At this point the market is still developing though. Get your friends to buy! It'll ultimately benefit you. I can say that when we first started a number of parts were impossible to get. Now we have a decent size catalog and things are much much easier. Some things are still a work in progress although developments are unfolding. A newer USB N wireless chipset for instance. We are working on it although unfortunately it's dependent on an Atheros executive signing a sheet of paper. So even though we have the support at Atheros and things are looking good... they aren't yet done deals. We also have to come up with a large chunk of change for the initial adapters as there aren't any designs we can use for the case using the chipset already. At least not from anybody willing to work with us.
Thanks for the info on this it really helps is there a Linux broadcasting site like twitch,own3d and ustream that i can broadcast to or is there a flash alternative in Trisquel just asking since i am new here I also have alot more questions.
Since you are already using Trisquel 5.5, you have Gnash, the GNU
drop-in replacement for the Adobe Flash player. You'll find that it
doesn't work on all web apps that display Flash content. Use
unencumbered formats, like webm, where possible. The Trisquel forums and
docs offer many alternatives. I like to use a Greasemonkey script
called Linterna Magica for watching youtube, blip.tv, and dailymotion.
On 08/22/2012 01:42 AM, name at domain wrote:
> Thanks for the info on this it really helps is there a Linux
> broadcasting site like twitch,own3d and ustream that i can broadcast
> to or is there a flash alternative in Trisquel just asking since i am
> new here I also have alot more questions.
I think the more exposure Trisquel getss, the better, so, go ahead and
do that demo!
On 08/22/2012 12:14 AM, name at domain wrote:
> Thanks alot i am happy i found this real happy this has t be the best
> Distro i have ever seen and i will get more using this can I do a
> reveiw on this Distro and post it on my youtube also what does
> Trisquel 6 have thats new
There's a video sharing website called EngageMedia which allows video sharing in free formats, the website also runs on free software.
The videos are available under CC-BY license and you don't need flash to watch videos!
thanks alot this is cool so i can publish my own videos here awsome also do you know a broadcasting alternative like live broadcasting.
Does any one know of a good screen capture software like fraps i know there is Record my desktop but i dont know where to get teh right .deb package for Trisquel also my GNU/Linux AMD drivers wont install properly any ideas guys.
You are not going to get help here installing proprietary software. At least, I'm only to assume you're trying to install the AMD proprietary drivers. These drivers, as far as we're concerned, won't work with Trisquel, and we have no plans to get them working properly. We recommend either using the free software drivers for your card or getting a GPU that works with free software (Intel and nVidia are well supported).
Note that if you do continue attempting to install these proprietary drivers, your system will not be 100% free software anymore, the point of Trisquel. If you really don't care for freedom, you probably shouldn't be using Trisquel or any other 100% free software distro.
You may use the "Add/Remove Application" or "Synaptic package manager" to install "record my desktop", You may use Icecast for streming but it's a software;
VLC is also a recorder and streaming application
thanks for every thing guys I don’t wanna burn bridges here i wanna stay free as much as i can i am leaving my Steam behind to be free for real I am just looking for games that are none propitiatory as well as AMD drivers.
wow your telling me to run my pc with no drivers wow and now your telling me i must buy nvida to be free talk about fan boys what makes nvida not propitiatory huh explain all cards use propitiatory software or custom version of propitiatory drivers lmao please tell me one place to get AMD none propitiatory drivers and telling me to buy Nvida is not a solution.will this work or no http://www.freelikegnu.org/?p=30 Also Richard Stallman says Altered or downloaded Propitiatory software made free with cracks or how ever is just as bad as propitiatory software so IMO all cards run propitiatory software and yes I care for freedom but at what cost are you gona get freedom huh so this means a drive must be either made with all the stuff taken out witch I have no clue how to do or made from scratch I don’t know either so I am done for? care to teach me a lil bit of hwo to code so i can make a set of none proprietary AMD drivers.
Non-free drivers are never a soloution.
No one is asking you to buy nvidia or intel, but if you upgrade hardware in future better do a little research to find supported ones h-node.org
Install these packages to see if they help
- xserver-xorg-video-ati
- xserver-xorg-video-radeon
by the way i have a Radeon HD5770 will any of those work with my card?
No. Radeon's 3d isn't supported. There is extremely limited support for the cards in general. Some 2d possibly.
I'm having a really hard time understanding what it is your saying here although I think you are upset with the response. Hopefully this will be more helpful.
Here is the status of each of the major players producing a graphics chipset:
Intel: Intel has done an excellent job of supporting free software within the graphics department. The only non-free chipset that is marketed as Intel that is not free was developed by a third part. However Intel has not done a good job of supporting coreboot (a free BIOS project).
AMD: AMD refuses to cooperate on free drivers. They release insufficient source code / documenation to create a free software friendly driver. The way I like to describe it is they have released the source code for a driver which acts as a wrapper around a proprietary component. This is unacceptable to free software users. You won't get support for AMD's ATI graphics chipsets here as there is no free driver.
nVidia: We don't like nVidia either as the company has expressly stated they will not support a free software driver. You might even say the company actively works against free software. Despite this there is the nouveau project. This project has done the near impossible and been reverse engineering the chipset(s) in order to produce a free software graphics driver. The problem is that by the time you end up with decent support for a particular generation chipset the chipset is old and may not be much if at all better than a lower end chipset from Intel. For this reason it is better for users to simply go with an Intel graphics chipset on a newer system. If you are looking to upgrade just the graphics card of an older system there is not a way to do that using a non-nVidia based graphics card and still have support for free software. Intel is also got advantages over nVidia in some areas. Video for instance is better supported by Intel. Comparatively the 9500GT that we sell is only competitive to newer Intel graphics chipsets. Does it make sense to get a 5 year old nVidia graphics chipset on a new computer? It's only slightly better in some instances (like for certain games).
Long story short your best bet is to avoid AMD in the future and get an nVidia graphics card when your finances allow or replace the motherboard and CPU with a newer model and use the CPU integrated Intel graphics chipset. The nVidia 9500GT that we sell at libre.ThinkPenguin.com is well supported by nouveau if you prefer to upgrade just the graphics card. Until you do one of these things the free software community can't help you. If you want help with GNU/Linux and don't want to follow the free software principles there are many other distributions you can go with.
Ultimately this is an ethical issue that you as a user have to decide on. Nobody here is trying to be mean or to force your hand.
There is more information about free software at the free software foundation's web site:
There are many technical and ethical reasons regardless of your perspective (well, free software or "open source") why you should avoid digital restrictions and non-free software.
Let me clarify:
1. I am not telling you to 'ruin' your computer. I'm telling you that you won't get help installing proprietary drivers here, since we only support software freedom.
2. No, not all cards require proprietary drivers. Intel graphics are supported by Intel themselves, and quite a lot of nVidia's graphics chipsets are supported by nouveau. ATI/AMD can, at the best, get 2D acceleration with free software. 3D requires proprietary, non-free firmware being sent to the device by the driver in most cases on AMD chipsets. We don't support that either. Basically, what makes nVidia/Intel 'not proprietary' is that they work with fully free software, unlike ATI. And, to clear things up, I wasn't recommending buying nVidia, but I don't see how getting an nVidia card is 'not a solution'.
3. I can't confirm whether those drivers you linked are free software or not. If it is, it only supports 2D acceleration, which you can get out of AMD cards already just fine with the free software drivers.
4. RMS is probably referring to 'pirated' software. That has nothing to do with free software. Proprietary, 'pirated' software is still just as bad as all other proprietary software.
5. I don't even get what you're asking here. What cost will I take for freedom? I'd rather pay for a device that can be used in a fully free environment, so that I may modify the source code to the driver for the device to make sure it's not doing all sorts of nasty things behind my back, like sending off all my data of what I do regarding the driver to a company. With proprietary software, it's hard to figure out if it does that or not.
I'm just reminding you to not ask for help with installing proprietary software on these forums. It might be your computer, and you are more than free to do absolutely whatever you want with it, but asking how to install proprietary software, then calling me an 'nVidia fanboy' when told that AMD doesn't support software freedom for their GPUs is not going to make me help you set up proprietary drivers on your computer.
There are other solutions, and one of them might be to not use Trisquel, if that's really what you wish to do. I'm not going to recommend any distros that would probably work with the AMD proprietary driver if you so decide that you absolutely need it, however, they are easy enough to find.
I never new those drivers were until i tripled checked since windows has nothing like that on them remember I am coming from windows to free environment leaving all Steam behind all my games that are proprietary software and I am sorry if I posted a stupid question just looking for answers since I am new here.
:) I'm glad you understand the problem now and the reaction. It's hard to describe to users the problem in a way that doesn't come off hostile. Plus I think miga initially thought that you understood the issue already.
That's the latest and current one; welcome aboard!
On 08/21/2012 10:16 PM, name at domain wrote:
> This is the Trisquel version i downloaded is this correct?
> Trisquel 5.5 STS Brigantia
Hello kidx. An alternate program to "record my desktop" is "ffmpeg". You can have some fun with it too, like creating an alias on your .bashrc like so:
alias srecord='ffmpeg -f x11grab -s 1920x1080 -r 10 -i :0.0 -s 1920x1080 -r 10 -sameq'
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