I want create web 3d and free game type F-Zero of super famicon (I think first real 3d racer game) but with severals diferencies
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0 - Is possible canvas widh webgl are used in freedom?
1 - For 3d models, what is best format for the freedom?
2 - I think web browser: javascript interpreter and canvas in context webgl, is more slow than compilated lenguages (example: c++ with opengl). I want my freedom game run in most old computers with modern OS and Browsers. Can you say to me anything to I can do?
3 - What free browsers support webgl into canvas? I must intall any complement?
4 - Where I can get urls for download 3d objecs (ships) for use in my game paying 0 money units? and accumplishing laws (public domain or other valids in my case too)
Game in web browser is malware.
Because you dont have the control of your own computing doing it, is dumb is lose your time doing the computing of other, is SaaSS in spanish «ser vicio sustitutivo del software» you can read more about it in https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/who-does-that-server-really-serve.es.html
I don't belive, my future game hat public source code, if you don't trust in my possible web servers, you can download [zip or tar.gz], if your operating system, your web browser, and your drivers are free in freedom, the folder created from you when extract of my compressed file (will be free too, is possible any gpl, I am thinking about yet), any parts are free in freedom when game is in execution in your web browser.
client side game
Edit 0:
I mention F-Zero how I can mention wipeout, is not copy, is my custom programing art, fiction science Formula1 game.
If it game I like to me, I can adapte any parts javascript to run in php for multiplaying, but sources from php I will like it in free license too.
Edit 1:
¿A quién sirve realmente ese servidor?
por Richard Stallman
En Internet, el software privativo no es la única manera de perder su libertad informática. El servicio sustitutivo del software (SaaSS), es decir, «ser vicio sustitutivo del software», es otra forma de enajenar el poder sobre su ordenador.
And Nextcloud, free wikis, drupal, joomla, wordpress, and this software (trisquel.info forum)?
Edit 2:
One answer for my 4 question in first post of this tread:
I found web for creative commons 0 (cc0) and more 3d objects in direrent formats. https://opengameart.org
I don't know if a game running in a browser is necessarily bad. For example, this game:
I downloaded all the files, removed all the lines that connected to google, fonts, etc, and made it "portable". It is now running in any device that has a browser capable of basic JS and CSS, even without internet connection.
I agree though that depending on an external server to run the game would be a different situation.
I am belive than you say is true, thank you, but in multiplayer version and one player version. I am thinking make shell script to instalation/preparation, one with free web browser and your sources, and multiplayer release with free web server than can run php and sources too.
Is great 4 freedoms of free software... I use free three party software for do my adds.
You can make a game with WebGL and it would work well, even on old computers. You just have to be careful with your code and graphics. Most browsers support WebGL by default - you don't need to install anything extra.
You can use .obj as a basic file format for 3D models. I think it's a very common and simple format. You can get models from websites like https://opengameart.org/, or you can make models with Blender.
Doing something with WebGL could be a bit hard, so it would take some persistence to make your first game, if you have no experience with making games or using OpenGL.
I think there's nothing wrong with making a game in WebGL that's playable in a web browser. You can make the game be completely playable offline too, without it needing a website/webserver to run.
Kind of off topic but I wish you luck on your FOSS game and if you decide to accept donations I would donate to it if you made an Open Collective.
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