installation help

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Beigetreten: 07/07/2017

I am trying to install Trisquel 7.0 on my ThinkPad x60 from a USB stick. I was able to boot and select "try without installing" and everything worked fine (except wifi, so I got the ThinkPenguin external wifi card and now that works too). However, I have had trouble actually installing it. I've spent a few days trying with a couple different USB sticks with several bootable USB creators and with various options in the Trisquel installer, and this is the combination that got me furthest before the installer crashed.

-32 bit ISO downloaded from the FSF mirror
-used Universal USB Installer on Windows 7
-used a 64GB SandDisk Cruz USB drive
-was connected to internet during install
-did not select "download updates while installing"
-erased disk to install Trisquel
-did not encrypt installation or select Logical Volume Management
-selected "require my password to log in" but did not encrypt home folder

The installer made it to "removing extra packages" and then crashed, saying "after you close this window, we'll allow you to file a bug report using the integrated bug reporting tool" but this didn't happen when I closed the window; it just attempted to reboot, so I don't know what the specific error is. After closing the window I did see a "low on disk space" warning, which I got on several other install attempts as well. It attempted the reboot before I could really read it, but the remaining disk space was in the order of MB. When I previously got this warning I assumed it referred to disk space on the USB stick, since the warning was outside of the installer, which is why I switched to a 64GB USB stick from an 8GB one, but perhaps I misunderstood.

Any ideas as to what could be causing the problem? I'm excited to use the distro once I can finally get it installed. Thanks!

Beigetreten: 06/15/2017

Try non-graphical installation, text mode is better.


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Beigetreten: 07/07/2017

Thanks. I made it through the text installer, but it appears to have installed Kubuntu instead of Trisquel. Why would that have happened and how can I install Trisquel?

Your suggestion did solve my initial problem, and this seems like an unrelated issue, so I'm going to open a new thread.

Beigetreten: 12/31/2012

I wonder if the disk you are attempting to install Trisquel isn't low on
disk space...

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