Installing Applications (Pitivi 0.92 and cairo)
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I was able to install the Anki application from a 'deb' file. This was using the '$ sudo dpkg -i' command with the file, but I'm having a little trouble with intalling Pitivi 0.9 from a directory.
I 'cd' into the pitivi-0.9 directory and ran the './configure', and the following error was outputed:
checking for cairo... configure: error: Package requirements (cairo) were not met:
No package 'cairo' found
Consider adjusting the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable if you
installed software in a non-standard prefix.
Alternatively, you may set the environment variables cairo_CFLAGS
and cairo_LIBS to avoid the need to call pkg-config.
See the pkg-config man page for more details.
I'm not sure where to go from here. Any suggestions?
Hi, just recently I installed pitivi it is on version 0.15.2, out of curiosity, 0.9 is an older version, right? why are you installing an older version and not using the default availble in add/remove programs?
have you tried sudo apt-get install cairo?
Maybe it is looking for an old version of cairo?
Are you aware that Anki (version 1.2.0) is in Trisquel's repository? That Pitivi (version 0.15.2) is part of Trisquel's default install? It is the latest stable version. The version you are talking about is a "buggy release candidate". At least, that is how Debian calls it (the package is not in sid yet). I assume it is the package you found... and it depends on newer versions important libraries (not only Cairo but also GStreamer, Gir, etc.). If I were you, I would not do that.
Maybe he is using trisquel-mini
If so, the same version of Pitivi is available from the package manager.
I apologize, I meant Pitivi 0.92. I was interested in working with their latest edition and, perhaps, joining in for feedback. Any help installing would be appreciated.
Also, I have been using Anki 2 for sometime in another OS. There are some pretty big differences between 1 & 2—so I opted to install version 2 in Trisquel. Version 2 works great, by the way. It is a huge step in my transition.
I would try to install (with 'dpkg -i' or with a double click after installing GDebi) .deb packages from You start with this one (download section at the bottom of the page), see the missing dependencies, download them from sid's repository, try to install them, see the missing dependencies, download them from sid's repository, etc. until being back to the original package. That is call dependency hell! :-)
Again, there is a risk that some other applications (using Cairo, or GStreamer, or ...) malfunction or even stop functioning after you switch their dependencies for newer versions.
I have not used it, but maybe parabola gnu/linux is best for bleeding edge packages?
Magic Banana, I started that package route and got three packages deep before hitting a block.
I then discovered an Ubuntu repository and a wiki about Pitivi's dependencies (
I first tried adding the repository and upating my system:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:gstreamer-developers/ppa && sudo apt-get update
Next, I restarted and noticed a strange behavior, i.e., the application windows started showing on the left side of the Trisquel start menu. Perhaps this is what Magic Banana meant by risks. I attached at the bottom of this post. Here is a direct link to it:
I then went to install the other dependencies, following the instructions on the Pitivi wiki page for Ubuntu.
# Basic build tools: sudo apt-get install git build-essential automake libtool itstool gtk-doc-tools gnome-common gnome-doc-utils yasm flex bison # Stuff related to introspection, GTK, canvases, and various other dependencies: sudo apt-get install libgirepository1.0-dev python-dev python-gi-dev \ python-cairo-dev libcairo2-dev libgdk-pixbuf2.0-dev libpulse-dev libgtk-3-dev \ libclutter-1.0-dev libclutter-gtk-1.0-dev # GStreamer 1.x, if you're lucky and your distro packages are recent enough: sudo apt-get install gstreamer1.0-plugins-base gstreamer1.0-plugins-good gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad gstreamer1.0-alsa gstreamer1.0-pulseaudio \ libgstreamer-plugins-bad1.0-dev libgstreamer-plugins-base1.0-dev libgstreamer1.0-dev libgstreamer1.0-0 # GStreamer plugins' full set of dependencies to build all the codecs: sudo apt-get build-dep gstreamer1.0-plugins-base gstreamer1.0-plugins-good gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad gstreamer1.0-plugins-ugly
Next, I followed Pitivi's instructions for installation, i.e., to cd into the pitivi file, configure, make, and install (
I was finally able to complete configuration and installation through the terminal. However, Pitivi will not launch. When I click on the application to launch, it tries for about 20 seconds and then crashes.
Any ideas on how to get this application to open?
Also, is there a setting to restore my Trisquel menu, so that the open applications show on the right side of the Trisquel start menu?
Any ideas are appreciated.
Also, Andresm, I'm determined to get up and running on Trisquel. But perhaps, down the road, I may try a seperate install of Parabola. I first need to get more comfortable with the terminal.

hi theseus,
I admire your commitment to help free software, you are past knowledge, hopefully dome one else can help.
all I can suggest is to run pitivi from the terminal and post the message here and in the pitivi mailing list.
Thank you! I just discovered the movement several weeks ago, but I'm very determined. I know it will be a gradual process. I also found Trisquel at, and I really look forward to digging into their Philosophy. The basic premise really inspired me.
Here is the output from the terminal when trying to run Pitivi:
ERROR:root:Could not find any typelib for GES ERROR:root:Could not find any typelib for GES Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/local/bin/pitivi", line 141, in _check_dependencies() File "/usr/local/bin/pitivi", line 99, in _check_dependencies missing_hard_deps = check_hard_dependencies() File "/usr/local/lib/pitivi/python/pitivi/", line 185, in check_hard_dependencies from gi.repository import GES ImportError: cannot import name GES
Did you install GES?
Lembas, I tried installing GES based on the Pitivi wiki:
However, I'm still seeing the same problem and recieving the same error.
I'm not sure where to go from here. Any thoughts are always appreciated.
I'd try asking the Pitivi folks at #pitivi on
You can use e.g. Pidgin or XChat as an irc client.
OK. Thanks. I will check into this.
I wish Piviti had a newer version in the repositories. It appears that they make the jump from 0.15 all the way to the 0.92 compilable installation. Hopefully there is a small tweak that will get it up and running.
I know I have a lot to learn.
Your panel issue can probably be solved by some Windows+Alt+Right clicking on the launcher icons to move them to the left-hand side.
Have you removed the packages you grabbed from Debian (and install again Trisquel's equivalents if needed, i.e., if applications depend on it)? You can use the Synaptic package manager to do so. If you do not remember what you installed, you can read /var/log/apt/history.log
Magic Banana, that solved the panel issue. I also discovered that to right click on a Macbook Air, you need to use two fingers on the touch pad.
Is the second suggestion you mentioned for the panel issue? Or is that regarding Pitivi? Is that because I may have thrown off some other applications by trying to upgrade the system for Pitivi 0.92? If that is the case, and I do run into problems, I can always re-install Trisquel too.
Lembas and Magic Banana, thanks for the feedback. It may be some time before I can get to this, but I will follow-up as soon as I do.
Also, would it be possible for a moderator to change the title of this thread to Pitivi 0.92 instead of Pitivi 0.9?
Just a quick update: I'm going to create a second installation of Trisquel to play with—this way I won't alter my already working installation.
I will be working on this little-by-little, overtime.
I decided to throw in the towel on this for now.
I read another thread about how Pitivi 0.92 is an Alpha version. This thread also mentioned that Pitivi 1 will eventually be packaged for the repositories. I'm more in the user arena, and it seems the Alpha version is out of my reach. It also appears best if I wait for the more stable version 1 to get involved.
I should be able to get by with the prior version of Pitivi, Kdenlive and - possibly - Blender for now. I will be comparing and contrasting these to my old (un-free) editing software.
Regardless, thank you all for the feedback!
I'm nearly set with my core applications, and it's time to began the gradual transition!
So after Pitivi released version 0.93, with "All-in-one distro-agnostic bundles", I decided to give it another go.
I unpacked a 64 bit version into a folder on my desktop. The unpacked documents/programs didn't include a Pitivi icon (still attached). After first clicking the "pitivi-0.93-beta-x86_64.md5sum" nothing happened. But the second time, the application started up!
I tried opening some XDCAM video in the program. These are wrapped in .mov files, compressed as APPLE XDCAM HD 1080p24 files. This crashed the program. I then tried opening the .mov file outside of Pitivi, and I couldn't get it to open. This included trying to import into KDENLIVE.
The good news, Pitivi is a step closer. The challenge, I need to experiment with different formats and a new workflow, i.e., to find Trisquel friendly video formats. APPLE XDCAM works well for Final Cut Pro, but it seems quite difficult in Trisquel.
Any suggestions on high quality, "edit friendly" video formats for Trisquel?
Theseus said:
> Any suggestions on high quality, "edit friendly" video formats for Trisquel?
WebM is the best-quality freedom-respecting (non-patented, non-secret) lossy video format currently (it supports VP8 or VP9 video, and Vorbis or Opus audio).
Agreed with onpon4 about WebM. You can read more about software patents and why they are harmful here. Try to avoid proprietary/patented formats, even if they are supported by free sofware.
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