The internet is feeling smaller everyday....
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Just want to share my frustration. These last few days I noticed:
Invidious being blocked in almost every instances (occasionally you get one that works for a while);
Archive being down (permanently? temporarily? We don't know);
Librivox being affected by Archive being down;
Now, you may say "gee GNUser you only use those websites?" Well, not only, but I will say those were the main sources I would pull stuff from a lot of the time. So, yeah, I feel like.... :( :(
Let' hope things get better soon.
Sorry, this was supposed to go in Troll Lounge. -.-''
Hi GNUser,
just have a look:
Best wishes from Germany...
Yeah, I had checked around, there is some debate about that being real or not (some people brought up the legal battles of Archive as well) but I am afraid it is real. However, I just wish the site to be back online again. Sure, they have to correct the bugs and all, but the breach already happened, so.... This is the time to move on.
This instance is back:
Also, you can choose one invidious instance to see the video title and the thumbnail, copy the Youtube URL and paste in the terminal with mpv:
For example:
I use Freetube for watching videos from YouTube.