Kongoni GNU/Linux

3 Antworten [Letzter Beitrag]
Beigetreten: 01/06/2013


Anyone have any experience using Kongoni? Apparently it's free as in freedom but it's not endorsed by the FSF.

It looks impressive but it seems to be dormant at the moment. Hopefully it will come back to life because it looks user friendly and we could do with more user friendly free as in freedom OS's like Trisquel. The more the merrier!!



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Beigetreten: 07/16/2011

Not a good sign:

The website is now being used for some other computer-related business. I don't know if it's the old maintainer or not, but it definitely isn't being used for the distro.

Too bad. A fully-free Slackware would be nice. I never used it, but would try it now if it was available. I'm interested in the "Slackware way" which I gather is the traditional way a UNIX-like OS is built.

Magic Banana

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Beigetreten: 07/24/2010

I tried what probably was the first version of Kongoni GNU/Linux. The package management was *horrible*: extremely slow, very few packages, buggy GUI.

If I recall well, the project later included some proprietary software. Adobe Flash I believe.

Anyway, the project looks dead now.

Beigetreten: 12/03/2013

Here's AJ Venter's announcement (he basically did everything on it) of why he stepped out from the project: http:name at domain/msg00007.html