LCD model of thinkpad t60... how to find out?
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I still think about flashing my thinkpad with libreboot...
but before I can do that, i have to find out about my display model, right?
Not all of them are supported.
But guess what, all the software based approaches on the libreboot website FAILED.
Can anyone help?
Are there more ways to find out about the lcd model?
I have the same issue. You need to remove the screen and read the info (if it's there) on the back of it.
How do I remove the screen? Is it difficult?
Even if your screen doesn't work with libreboot I still recommend that you install it. Then you can both run in freedom and get the opportunity to switch to a much nicer display than the default one. If you've got a 15 inch computer I can recommend the Samsung LTN150P4-L01; it's not too expensive and not too high-res for the machine to handle it well. Remember to get one of these inverter boards: P/N 42T0078 FRU 42T0079 or P/N 41W1338.
Buying a new display is at the moment not an option.
I'm not willing to afford the money and also i don't think my skills are sufficient for replacing the screen.
When it comes to hardware, i'm a noob!
And what is a inverter board?
How can i use it and what for?
The screen I mentioned costs about 20 euros and the inverter board (a little card that sits just below the screen) is much cheaper than that. It's not at all hard to replace the screen. Just followed the guide on
What???? You still haven't flashed d bjatch?
make sure you click on this link ->
Can't see the picture because my SCREEN ISN'T WORKING ANYMORE!!
joke ;)
AHAHAHA you guys just made me laugh ;-)
Hey quantumgravity, hope it goes well with the transition to libreboot. Sorry I can't offer any help with your fears, but I don't know much about hardware either. Maybe going to a small shop where they repair stuff and asking them to check the model, probably they will do it for like.. 5€ or so, as it is a really simple task to them.
Here, have some more lullz ->
quick translation:
Vatileaks, the hacker nuns who helped the Pope
In the chapter 2 of the Vatileaks case we come to know of the hacker nuns. Allegedly the American nuns of Borgo Sant'
Angelo, class AAA hacking experts, have helped the Pope in the investigation on the "traitors" of the Pope.
Ponder about it triskellians - class AAA hacking experts... nuns!!
I kid you not.
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