libfaac0 from ubuntu repo: Possible but is it ethical?

6 Antworten [Letzter Beitrag]
Beigetreten: 02/04/2011

Hi all

I have just installed the Trisquel 4.5 beta on my Lenovo 3000 v100 laptop, and it works with no problem other than my Intel 3945ABG wireless card not working, but this was expected.

I plan on running XBMC, but after adding the ppa (and changing slaine to maverick), when installing xbmc-data requires libfaac0, which is in the multiverse. It seems to work okay, when I download that package from and try installing again.

But have I just tainted my perfectly free distro? The package seems to be free, at least I find no apparent binaries in the source package. I am sure there is a patent issue, but this should be no more of a problem than the built-in mp3-support, right? I mean, software patents are not valid in my jurisdiction (Denmark), as far as I know.



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Beigetreten: 07/27/2010

What do you mean tainted your distro? If by that you mean installed non-free software as far as I can tell the package is free so no issue there. As far as patent issues go you would need to contact a lawyer about that. Most of us are not lawyers so you should take any legal advice with a grain of salt (you wouldn't post here for medical advice would you?). Secondly, I doubt that even if there are lawyers on here they would be familiar with Denmark law.


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Beigetreten: 12/28/2009

Remaining .mp3 patents will expire this year.

Patents are generally the distributer's problem. For example, we avoid having Mono applications in the default installation to avoid patent risk, and we don't have a DVD decryption library installed by default. But as a user, we encourage you to blatantly disregard software patents. They are unethical and dangerous, and deserve the greatest scorn.

Beigetreten: 03/12/2010

This library (libfaac) is NOT free software. Sorry. :(

Beigetreten: 02/04/2011

Damnit! I will have to investigate building XBMC without faac, then. I feel that it should be possible, but that, of course, won't make it true :/


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Beigetreten: 07/27/2010

My mistake on that then.


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Beigetreten: 01/11/2011

I have a similar question: why are free packages like SMplayer, gecko-mediaplayer and Avidemux in the multiverse repository? Also, why isn't the secure CD ripping package Rubyripper included in the universe repository like Sound Juicer (a different CD ripping package) is?