Libreboot 20230319 released!
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Hello everyone!
I can announce today that a new release of Libreboot is available. Announcement:
A major change is libre raminit now available on Haswell machines, aswell as several fixes in GRUB, and revisions (coreboot, GRUB, SeaBIOS) are very recent, from February 2023.
More info available in the release announcement.
Hello Leah,
I see that you have made some additions to
I am curious to know what prompted your decision to include machines that require blobs.
I believe Leah needed to add newer hardware to support herself financially by running her own businesses (, also in the past).
People using such machines also deserve freedom - as much as possible, if not 100%. I think Leah explains this aspect here:
Calling it "Libre"-boot after the merge is misleading. I don't think people would argue if it would be called Osboot.
Read the article:
You'll find that Libreboot is quite libre indeed.
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