LibreTrend will be at Evento Linux 2014, the 25th Sept. in Lisbon (Portugal)

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Beigetreten: 09/14/2012

Hello Everyone !

For those who live near Lisbon (Portugal), there will be the annual event dedicated to Gnu/Linux called the "Event Linux 2014". This year LibreTrend will be there, and we will have a table showing our LibreBox, which is a great occasion to see it, touch it, and play with it for real. As well as a possibility to chat directly with me (which is always great !).

The event will be held Thursday 25th September of 2014 in :
LISPOLIS – Associação para o Pólo Tecnológico de Lisboa
Estrada do Paço do Lumiar 44
1600-546 Lisboa

GPS: 38º 45 55.59N | 09º 10 57.16O

If you want to come, you just need to register here : .

Beigetreten: 03/02/2014

Finally! It is time to see life in gnu-linux movement in our country. Count with me. I am in :D

Beigetreten: 09/14/2012

Hello Aprendiz_de_linux,

See you there then :)

Beigetreten: 09/14/2012

Hello Everyone,

I just want to give a big Thank You for everyone who intended the 'Linux Evento 2014'. I wasn't expecting for the LibreBox to have such a success knowing that on my side there were enterprises like RedHat, Caixa Mágica, Angulo Solido, Syone (our partners on this event) or even IPBrick. It was good to know that people loved the LibreBox so much !

Once again thank you everyone and see you next year at the same event.

Beigetreten: 03/02/2014

The LibreBox to see in live was and had much more interesting concept than other brands. One of the things that kept my attention was the fact that the librebox could be open and see things inside it. Like an "open" hardware should be. And the better thing of all the aiming way of being "libre". If only the cpu was better... If that were the case I would buy immediately. Nevertheless i'm looking forward in the improvements and i wish much continued success to the company LibreTrend.