lp no longer outputs to ~/PDF
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Since my last software update, I can no longer get the :hardcopy function in vim to ouput to the default PDF printer, though it indicates "Print job sent", ie, I do not find the expected pdf output in ~/PDF as before. Also,
$ cat doc.txt|lp
No longer puts a pdf into ~/PDF as before. I have tried
$ sudo find / -name 'doc*.pdf'
to see if it goes anywhere else, but no success. I have confirmed that /etc/cups/cups-pdf.conf has output set properly at the un-commented line:
> Out ${HOME}/PDF
$ lpstat-d
$ system default destination: PDF
and lp's response to
$ cat doc.txt|lp
$ request id is PDF-2635 (0 file(s))
still, as above, nothing to show for it in ~/PDF, or anywhere else.
I have even removed and installed again ghostscript and cups-pdf.
I am using the 32 bit Trisquel 7, and am a bit timid about doing the upgrade to 8 right now. I think I would like to wait for bugs to disperse a bit.
Can it be that recent upgrades have left me in the dust on this score, or is there something else I should investigate?
Thanks in advance for any sage advice
I finally have this solved, after taking several different lines of investigation including checking to see if file permissions were all correct, for I checked the cups-pdf_log in /etc/log/cups/, and would see this after trying to print via lp:
> Mon May 28 09:46:00 2018 [ERROR] failed to set file mode for PDF file (non fatal) .../PDF/_stdin_.pdf)
which led me to think there might be an issue along these lines.
Not able to find any answers, I again tried working with apt-get to see about re-installing packages, and looked more closely at the messages along the way. Using "apt-get purge", I noticed some complaints that included this line:
> mktemp: failed to create file via template ‘/var/tmp/mkinitramfs-FW_XXXXXX’: No such file or directory
Investigating this, I realized that somehow I didn't have /var/tmp/ on my system. I created it as su, and gave it rw access to all (chmod a+rw). After that "apt-get purge" made no complaints. Without any further attempts to re-install anything like ghostscript, cups, or even cups-pdf, I tried printing to lp -- "cat doc.txt | lp", and this time the expected _stdin_.pdf file appeared in ~/PDF/, and now the log file says:
> Mon May 28 17:23:06 2018 [STATUS] PDF creation successfully finished...
Also, the :hardcopy function in vim places a pdf in ~/PDF/ now, as expected.
So, the problem seems solved, just for having /var/tmp/ available now.
Did upgrading or updating packages from trisquel sources have anything to do with this trouble? I can only say that when I was offered to upgrade to trisquel 8, I did try and was warned that I did not have enough space. I then went through purging stuff from past upgrades (there was quite a lot), and a few other things. Still I did not have enough room, and decided to put it off for a while. Perhaps in my zeal for space, I somehow got rid of /var/tmp/? Or, did it happen as a bug in the upgrading process? I have no idea, but at least here is a record of the event for what it may be worth.
Thanks to all for this forum and your helpful contributions to it.
-- BRC
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