Made my own FreeDOS Derivative
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This is the screenshot of what I call the JC-DOS operatng system. All I really had to do was modify the AUTOEXEC.BAT config file after creating a new image, and the copy the EDIT.EXE program from the FreeDOS ISO. This OS is for those who just want a word processor on their computer and nothing more, or just want to copy their own programs (or make batch files.)
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Screenshot from 2018-06-17 11-38-15.png | 9.76 KB |
+1, I would replace 'distribute to another neighbor' with 'share it with your neighbor' :)
Yeah, that sounds nicer. Sharing is good! :)
Thanks, will update it. :)
Here is what the screenshot looks like now. I added the word "beloved" for funnies. :P

much better now :)
Also here's the batch files if anyone wants to modify.
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files.tar | 4 KB |
Well, always good to see some interest in FreeDOS. Kudos to you.
On a second thought, you should edit your first post and change "word processor" to "text editor". Word editor usually means something that can deal with fonts, styles, layouts, etc. Text editor is what EDIT.COM is. A basic utility to allow you to read text and write text.
In DOS world you have WordPerfect 5.1 and 6.2 which were great back in the day (still are) but never made it to FLOSS. MS Word 5.5 is freeware, but again not FLOSS. There is a program I think it's called FlWriter, its FLOSS but not on the same league as the others.
Write the .img file to a USB storage media and boot the computer. Ignore the installer and go back to FreeDOS. Extract or install packages to the FAT32 partition on the internal HDD... I use FreeDOS in such a way.
Besides games, I also use FreeDOS to flash BIOS.
> On a second thought, you should edit your first post and change "word processor" to "text editor".
When I said "word processor," I was thinking of actual word processors from the 90's, Smith Corona being one of them, as I actually had one. But I still changed it anyway.
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files.tar | 4 KB |
Awesome, you should try making a graphical 100% Libre FreeDOS Distro similar to that of XFDOS!
this. the only fully free software dos i know is dosbox, since dosemu and freedos require a non-free compiler.
is xfdos really 100% libre? in the past i have used dosemu and freedos, and i have dosbox installed now (though it is complaining that it wants libgcc 7.0 because void linux seems to refer to the number of broken packages in its repos.)
before i heard of the fsf, but a few years into its existence, i wanted to create a free version of dos everyone could share and modify. freedos is the closest thing i know of to that. for the past several years, gnu/linux has certainly provided everything i would likely use a free version of dos for, of course. but i would promote a libre dos if i knew of one.
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