Mozilla Will Try to Sell ProtonVPN Subscriptions Within Firefox

5 Antworten [Letzter Beitrag]

I am a translator!

Beigetreten: 01/11/2011

Isn't it time for Trisquel to find a better default browser to clean up instead of Firefox? Tisquel can base its browser on other Mozilla based browsers such as Waterfox, Pale Moon/New Moon, Seamonkey/Iceape or Iceweasel-UXP.

Beigetreten: 09/14/2018

get me a security-updated python webkit browser with per-site image loading and per-site js support and im happy.

port librejs code to work in it later, so you dont have to worry about plugin support.

yeah no, this isnt going to happen anytime soon. there are python webkit browsers already, but it would be far easier to modify casually, by everyday users.

im excited about iceweasel uxp too.

congrats to the hyperbola team. just because it sounds like a cool idea. as for mozilla, wow, theyll do anything at this point. except not suck. downvote this, upvote this, either way they really do at this point.

Beigetreten: 01/09/2013

the last time,I did check, we are still using Trisquel.
But wait, what is This? I never heard of TISQUEL
I know it is bad grammar and a misspelled word used by the author of this article.

sorry for my low belt blows..

Beigetreten: 09/14/2018

for that matter, "trisquel" should perhaps be spelled with a k, but it works the official way too.


I am a translator!

Beigetreten: 01/11/2011

At least I wrote Trisquel correctly the first time. The second time I accidentally omitted an r, probably either since I didn't press the key hard enough or since I typed a wrong letter in addition to r and accidentally deleted both.

Beigetreten: 09/14/2018

i wrote "figital" in an email today, it was right next to the key i wanted. good word though, it describes all the devices people are constantly using with their hands wherever they go.

do the fidgit dance-- just swipe to the right, swipe to the right, swipe to the right, then move down like this! now poke! poke! poke! and swipe... oh no, its the keyboard. alright now, try to keep up...

if you do it wrong, just blame autocorrect.