Need to know what hard drive sector Trisquel starts the install
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As the SSD hard drives need to have the operating system start on an even number sector of the hard drive (preferably 1024 or 2048) - I would like to know the sector number a new install would start with in Trisquel.
Thank you,
I don't know what the default is but it really doesn't matter.
Probably the easiest way is to partition manually. If the installer isn't smart enough for the job, use (GNU GPL 2+)
why on Earth would one need such informations ?
In general every operating system writes the MBR (master boot record) to the first 512 Byte of a harddisk. Then the rest (boot partition, boot manager) follows.
For reference:
There is an embedding space for the bootloader after MBR and before the first partition. The issue is where the partition starts, DOS prefers a start not aligned to 4096 bytes. Manual partitioning certainly works for it, I don't know what default is there now.
Thank you for the info Michal. Is there a way, (as in Windows using diskpart in a Windows command box) in Trisquel to find what the starting sector on the hard drive is - if not, then by partitioning manually is the only certain way?
Regards to all who've responded -
sudo fdisk -l -u=sectors
Thank you very much Lembas! That is what I needed! :\
I'm getting that the -1 is not recognized
Ahh - my mistake that is a l for list, correct? I was inserting wrong.
>Ahh - my mistake that is a l for list, correct? I was inserting wrong.
That's right. :)
That's why:
Also, I always recommend people to use GPT instead of (common) MBR, because of more flexibility (you can get rid of logical/extended partitions!) and reliability (CRC32 embed... or sth. like that). See: .
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