Pip, HexChat Addons
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I know the pip repo contains proprietary software, but why did you just
rip it out instead of making a free repo?
I want to easily upload images with HexChat, and found the Teknik plugin
on GitHub, but the instructions say to use pip to install this free
software... which I cannot do.
Why do you make it so hard to install free software? I just want to
Ctrl+V my images into the message composition field and see an image
host link insert itself.
Polari has this feature, but HexChat is something I can use and
recommend to everyone. Polari is not. For the sake of new users, I
stick with HexChat.
Caleb Herbert
(816) 892-9669
> I know the pip repo contains proprietary software, but why did you just
> rip it out instead of making a free repo?
Why don't you create a free pip repo? Is it because it would take time and effort to learn how to do so and then do it? If so, there's your answer. I actually looked into doing this a while back. It is possible, but non-trivial. I decided to put it on the back burner and focus on Trisquel 9. Lately I've been cutting back on the number of hours I spend on Trisquel in general, and I think I might stop contributing to Trisquel entirely and use my unpaid free time to work on other projects, so unless someone else volunteers to create a free pip repo I wouldn't count on it happening any time soon.
On 2/18/20 12:45 PM, name at domain wrote:
>> I know the pip repo contains proprietary software, but why did you just
>> rip it out instead of making a free repo?
> Why don't you create a free pip repo? Is it because it would take time
> and effort to learn how to do so and then do it? If so, there's your
> answer. I actually looked into doing this a while back. It is
> possible, but non-trivial. I decided to put it on the back burner and
> focus on Trisquel 9. Lately I've been cutting back on the number of
> hours I spend on Trisquel in general, and I think I might stop
> contributing to Trisquel entirely and use my unpaid free time to work on
> other projects, so unless someone else volunteers to create a free pip
> repo I wouldn't count on it happening any time soon.
Sorry. :-(
Caleb Herbert
(816) 892-9669
> Sorry. :-(
No worries.
> https://github.com/hexchat/hexchat-addons/tree/master/python/teknik
The source code is [here][1]. It looks like it hasn't been maintained for several years and uses Python 2 which reached EOL a few months ago, so it's probably not a great long-term solution. However, it does not look difficult to compile from source. Unless I overlooked something or made a typo, this should work:
$ sudo apt install python-requests python-setuptools
$ cd /tmp
$ git clone https://git.teknik.io/Teknikode/Teknik-Python.git
$ cd Teknik-Python
$ python setup.py build
$ sudo python setup.py install
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