The possibility of a new state like community based on the internet 2
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If you have no tolerance anymore, please tell me so directly, face to face. I can quit anytime.
I 'd say more, despite most people can be an "author" without anyone's permissions, and living as an author must be seemed to be a not bad way, it seems that most people even do not try it. If you have not tried to create a plot, how can you get their ways of creation? I'd say more, AISO, I had not other choices. I was thinking if I could not become a manga author, my life ends. I did not think about insurance. Even if I could not become an author, I could be an accountant, a broker... that means you missed a chance to have risk. Without the risk, how can you create a normal work? How can you be serious? You would be able to become an accountant, even if you failed to become an author. You lost something earnest, when you had the insurance. How can you be passionate? I actually failed to become a manga author. I had to change my way due to my age to become a painter. But I got other wonderful things instead of becoming a manga author. I have completely no regret for it. I walked a right way.
OK, you might say so. But have you ever tried to become an author? an astronaut? a cosmonaut? a singer? a poet? with seriousness? without insurance? Above on everything, it needs grit. Some editor also said so, making first work needs grit. But if you have insurance, you would not consider people who read your first work. You must make the people finish to read your work, if you have not the insurance. If you have the insurance, you do not have to do it. How can you be serious to create your first work? So you can excuse with the usual phrase "Only few people can become such a thing..." What I hate is your excuse. You should say "I have no grit.", or "I am a coward." instead of it. Yes you are a coward. You have never had such an earnest something. You have never walked such a hard way. What only you do is to envy other people who have been fighting with the earnest something unlike you and break his leg. It is not difference in talent. It is difference in degree of grit. You are just gutless to take risk. So I hate cowards. You lack love. Or your love is pretty slight. Maybe "buying" women is the rest of eros you could barely have. What a wild animal you are.
> The thread was locked.
Old threads seem locked automatically after a while. Your original thread was about six months old. When I through the forum at other threads that old, they are all locked too, so I don't think that the moderator intentionally locked your thread because of anything you said.
I see. So sorry for the fuss. So I should have named "possibility of a statelike community based on the internet the first half of 2020".
I noticed my shack in my room already looks like kind of a geek's one. Two years ago, there was only the iPhone...
...Well, here would be my Palace in the state.
Edit: my home > my Palace
Let me refer to Mr Edward Snowden to protect myself from diagnosing as a paranoid. In fact, if you thought that "He is a psychopath or paranoid" from seeing his magic mantle, actually you ARE a psychopath. Because,
despite there is already a lot of information about this kind of things (or your brain seems not to know even such a thing),
despite this is a matter of all of us, not just you (So you lack the sense of cooperation, too),
despite even you might have had the common feeling that possibly you are being seen by someone (so you are a paranoid as you say, or if you have not had such a feeling, as you say, maybe no one is interested in you, that also seems to be another but similar psychological problem),
perhaps you have not even tried to protect yourself.
That lack of the sense of reality, and the sense of crisis, you deserve to be called a dangerous psychopath. Why can you live in such a critical situation like this with such a low level sense of crisis? Are you a sleepwalker? As Deleuze says, the basis of being is already in crisis because we basically always do not know whether or not we will be able to stay alive 1 minute later. What is your lack of the sense of reality? You look like something wrong. Are you eligible to diagnose him as a paranoid inspite of a lot of your paranoitic activities? I think Snowden is a very better normal person than you. His magic mantle seems to be a very sane normal item than your (hacked) device. The system, mainly the police and doctors use the ancient "He is a paranoid" trick to comit crimes. So if you say his magic mantle is a paranoid item, probably you are kind of a dog of the system or belong to the system with the unsightly flatteries. Or maybe you are too stupid, kind of naive. No wonder. There are a lot of such men who are willing to be dogs of the police and always looking for a fight (because of their failure lives) inspite of they cannot have corrage to fight alone so their ways of picking a fight is always mean because they are not going to fight alone so if the man who was unfortunately picked a fight by them got unexpected degree of mad, I am 100% sure you "call the police!", despite YOU picked the fight in a mean manner. Sure you picked the fight in the manner that does not infringe on law, nor a certan kind of common sense. For example, you would not be able to spit blatantly on a young good-looking male surfer's face even if you really desire, but you would be able to pretend to kind of cough. Unfortunately I regard it as you picked a fight. But it would be difficult to him to hit you just because of your kind of cough, for sure. The law would permit the mean manner of picking a fight. The law would say "You might need some kind of medicine to fix the paranoid. He just coughed for your face at close range" to him.
But you will pay someday. Or you might have alreday paid. Ha. Serve you right. Even if law permits, I would not forgive such like a rotten lady's activity. But considering the number of the faggots...
As a short supplement, for example, as one of the ways of defense,
a dialogue of some my friend and a psychiatrist:
"Noise of upstairs neighbor is terrible."
"It is your disease. It is auditory hallucination."
"... but I have a lot of recorded data, more than 50GB."
"....No, it is auditory hallucination. It is also called.... bla bla bla bla...."
I recommend you to watch the movie "A woman under the influence" if you had a chance.
There are some good movies that attacked the medical world, especially psychiatrists, filmed in 1960-70s. It seems it worked pretty well then but still there are such kind of the remnants. Doctors and officers. They know very well what happens in your brain if you keep taking the pills. If you want to know what happens, check the movie. If you are sane enough, you would be able to feel the same anger as Cassavetes would have felt. Or you might think like "Oh this seems fun, I want to break people's brains legally, too. Maybe I should become a psychiatrist.".
You can also check when they doctors are breaking people's bodies, how their smiles look like by watching Alain Resnais's 32 minutes movie.
You can see Nazi's male doctor and female nurse are enjoying experiments on Jews people. Human beings have been doing such things more than 2000 years. Less than 100 years seem too short for a drastic ethical change. But now, we have the internet.
And I thought it is needless to say, though.
Dig into somewhere the ground and hide it at night without any devices and remember someone's address who you can trust. Or think something better way.
Don't forget to tell a lie, too.
Another excellent movie about this subject was One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest:
Thanks for my another future pleasure :)
I had heard the title of the movie quite a lot of times. It has a nice ring to it in Japanese.
To be honest, I did not want to watch that kind of heavy topics movies anymore because I have watched many of them then it depressed me enough. It was like "OK,OK, I understand misery of the world enough... I want to watch only comedy now..." but from Wikipedia, it seems to be kind of comedy. So yeah.
It has some comedy, but also some very dark parts. The movie was a very important one in American history. After this movie, many laws changed to stop the abuse of psychiatric patients.
Lobotomy. Yeah, rulers feared especially movies. Nowadays, they would fear more the internet than arts. I cannot find good relatively young film directors who have strong influence. Maybe there might be some of them in so-called Third world? Shigehiko Hasumi has been very much into Iran movies, but it was maybe already more than 15 years ago. Is there good one somewhere?
I am a big fan of Pan Nalin. He does important films about the intersection of Buddhism and culture.
His movie "Samsara" is an amazing film. I've told you to watch it before, you should watch it if you haven't yet.
If you look around, you might find a version with Japanese subtitles.
I think someone like Pan Nalin can make real change to society, because his films are so brutally honest and dramatic.
Probably there is no the version with Japanese subtitles, nor Tagalog neither. I have watched it with English subtitles but I gave it up on the middle because I had to often halt it and consult a dictionary, moreover, my internet traffic was limited then. I think technical matters also concerned it, as an excuse. But I now got a stable free connection and some of knowledge. OK I will give it a try again. The movie itself was impressive. I did not know you liked his movies that much. He is unknown in Japan.
I had a dream today that I was checking this forum and I found your new post in this thread that has two links for the version with Japanese subtitles.
I was waiting the links but you seemed not to do it, so I just watched it. Very good movie. I would like to watch other his movies, too. It is funny that an American recommends an Indian's kind of an Oriental philosophic movie to a Philippine philosopher. Thanks very much for sharing it!
> I was waiting the links but you seemed not to do it, so I just watched it. Very good movie. I would like to watch other his movies, too. It is funny that an American recommends an Indian's kind of an Oriental philosophic movie to a Philippine philosopher. Thanks very much for sharing it!
A great movie is a great movie, no matter who makes it. You can see they used a lot of real local people in Ladakh, and real villages and monasteries. It's a very realistic film, but also has a lot of deep Buddhist meaning.
A man who does not know can do anything. Because he does not know.
Maybe this is a only decent, how should I say, method or way or technique of painting of mine, though. I learned this from a teacher of Art of my junior high school in a class. She (Kaneko sensei) was one of the few great normal teachers I met. You can draw a representational painting which is superior to Diego Velázquez' with this way and painting software and time. So I was thinking that painting representational stuff is not interesting, but I rethought that you might be able to experience kensho by making a representational painting, particularly when you reduced it... In material painting, painting better one than Velázquez' is very difficult. But you can do it with software very easily. It might be worth to try it. I too might get something new from painting a perfect one.
> Again, I don't know well about christianity but sometimes some doctrines seem to be kind of insane. It seems to lack reasonable something, obviously. And no rational people could be dangerous for others, is my understanding. There are people who get mad easily for this kind of criticism, and they usually do not seem to be able to argue with rationality so I mind stating this kind of things somewhat, though. Because... who can refute the theory of evolution rationally? Did Vatican try to refute the theory of evolution rationally? Cut it out...
If they were not idiots, they would be just kids. They are old enough to understand such a thing. Can you believe that? Big old childs depend on some ancient incomplehensible doctrine and earn money, besides, if someone criticized that unbelievable childish living style properly, they would even threaten the person! Can you believe that? I wonder if they have what is called the sense of shame. What is this crazy world? Such old childs are very influential and somehow are supposed as great or noble or dignified or something. It is totally the other way around, I think. No wonder people especially childs get confused. I wonder what kind of stupid women can love such noble men. Obviously she seems to love money, not him. That would mean he bought his wife. Again, I really do not understand how you can "buy" women. Is that something interesting? What a poor sense. You have not loved by women, even by your mother. What is that comical targedy? Please do stupid activity only in your family. Do not involve people into your insane world. What is this crazy world. Sorry I was not in a good mood. So I am taking it out on those old stupid ugly kids. I am now better. However....
Refute the theory or remove your clothes. If you are a MAN.
OK, so you ought to have tits.
Can anyone please do something about those men who do not know any way of communicating but having troubles with others? like war? or flattering or peeping at his good friends's bedrooms?
Sadly, basically, it is merely that they do not know how to communicate with others but it is very hard for them to live as a lonely wolf because they normally do not like to be lonesome but since they do not know how to communicate, they even try to declare war just to communicate with others. It seems that they think that it is a better way than being lonesome. That's really unfortunate for people who have to associate with them. I mean, us. Do you want to associate with them? I don't. What kind of people would like to do such a thing. Please go to some other place (e.g. the bridge) and find an other man with PRISM or something who does not mind you. I really mind you. It is not a joke. Anyway you will go to hell so it really does not matter to you whatever we do. Can you understand? no, you do not seem to be able to understand. Can anyone please do something about them? (ToT)
Why not.
No, no. We have been already associating. I mean, I am begging e.g. Ed Sheeran, or someone. I did not know who he was until around 5 minutes ago, though, I'm afraid. How about Fall Out Boy or Nicklebuck or One Direction. Metal bands guys seem tough, though. Or Jack Nicholson or how about Chris Evans. He seems to be a tough guy.
Dependable. I want to conceal myself behind the shield.
Un Chien Andalou.
BTW, I think killing someone in some country would cause a greater national security crisis than leaking mass illegal surveillance of the people, though. Certainly, the murder may help to avoid someone's personal crisis, as NHK has asserted clearly. At any rate, they seem not to be concerned with the risks of the state but only with personal benefit. But I don't understand why they only try to avoid the crisis in a way that creates a new (their) crisis, possibly I'm wrong, but to fully understand madmen's ideas may not be possible for normal people. It would be good parodies, though..,
I have heard of people shouting "regain strong USA!" or "make great America again!" or something and the usual cheers some times. What is that? What is that anachronistic ceremony? What does that strong USA mean??
I have stated a few times that "there is no medicine for idiots", but if I understand the seriousness of the troubles we have correctly, possibly to block their dopamine D2 receptors by antipsychotics for a bit long time might be the only possible and most efficient way to avoid becoming extinct for human beings, seriously. Looks like the look of their way of releasing dopamine is... similar to of war criminals. That strange unpleasant enthusiasm...
BTW, I have recently heard that there are narks who are surfers. ...
I hate to say this but quit surfing. Or quit the job. You are shits. At least if you are Japanese.
Again, how can you live in such a way... I cannot believe that. Knows despise you. Knows cannot do that. You can do that. So you are shits.
Firstly, this work was perfectly drawn for a screen of a smart phone. I am not talkng about size. By the way, I downloaded this image on my iPhone and noticed a certain thing then I started to hate iOS very much. I will write about it later. That is not a subject of this post. Anyway this phone, or rather, those elites who made this OS mock artists or art.
You may have seen the word materialization in a philosophical book or somewhere. I was able to materialize a few parts of this painting well. I always try to materialize my figures. Usually when you draw something representational, you can feel the object getting materialized on the way.
You may notice there are several light sources on this painting. And its perspective is broken. Everything is mainly done for materializing the man. If my intention was to draw a normal representational painting, I would have placed those smallest squares one by one on the canvas. But you may know I see it boring. As for an example, the sand is drawn by a lot of circles.
I handled the space between his legs with the Cézanne's technique. I took unexpected time to handle his body. I am not still satisfied so much but if it is seen with a smart phone, it is an acceptable level, I think. If you see it with a wider screen, you will notice how I handled it.
Anyway those are based on proper or normal skills of representational painting, so again, without the skills, those would be completely useless, I think.
But only painters can transform space in this way. Film directors, novelists, they can transform time image but they cannot transform space, is a lie. You write that "a candy is in his right hand...", after that, you write "he held the bar with his right hand..." or something in a not proper time-series. You can change the space image. But you ought to know why you are doing that. What for.
I showed this work to some English tutor (DMM). It has not finished yet then. She said that his leg is too thick. I was aware of that. So I had cut his leg to some degree. But it seemed that it was still too thick. She noticed that. When she noticed that, the word "too thick" must have occured to her mind. We have a habit to convert our raw feelings into language. Most animals would not have the habit. When you got burned, you might reflexively say the common phrase inspite of there is no people. Language is basically for telling something you want to tell. You might have said "hot!" or "it is hot!", I do not know. But it seems that it is difficult to be free from expressing the feeling in our mind in the manner. Maybe if a monkey got burned... what would that say? I really don't know.
Anyway a figure can force to remind audiences of a word. You can take advantage of it to compose some story or something on your painting. But again, if it does not work for something sublime sublime purpose, it would be an equal to the crap of the pigeon or iOS. This is not an excellent work, I know. But if you would not see this work on a smart phone, or if you do not have a smart phone from the beginning, I think you would not notice some important functions of this digital painting. Sure, sure. No doubt about it. And I want to modify 2 or 3 lines, one is fatal, and I am not still sure if I should have let him wear a bra. I thought it is too much, though, isn't it? Would someone please let him wear a bra that like a craftperson spent 3 months to make?
This work is under cc0. A refference of pigeons:
Wikipedia had some good pictures of pigeons but they were licensed under cc2.5 and I did not figure out the details of the license well then I thought I couldn't be arsed to do it. I found this website. All of pictures in this website are under cc0. I do not have to think incomprehensible things. Easy! But right now, I checked the website to copy the URL and I got a message from NoScript, it was written that like DDoS or cross sites tracking or something, idk. Anyway thank you very much for the author, Tim Fuzail.
I think the font problem of X60 is really terrible because I am now looking at Gogh's works on Wikipedia but it affected even pictures of his works and it reminded me of those websites that take a few seconds to load because of maybe those bad heavy stuff and some place where I want to tap always slants to lower and that's why I sometimes tap an advertisement. I believe good stuff in this case GUI do not show authors's intention nor illness so we can concentrate what we want to do on the screen and at least I do not want to remember other things when I am looking at Gogh's works and realized some other his greatness which I had not be aware of. But I guess it would be an impossible task for even a scientist at least for our current technology or it would have something important. In short, it is spoiling contingency or randomness. Shorter, annoying. I cannot find any benefit. Anyway I have written Gogh is not so accurate but I was wrong. Those works are not stuff which idiots can contaminate at ease. Admit your stupidness then give them back.
OK, today, let me teach you some of Japanese language. I am not in such a mood now, though.
Tatta ima (たった今): right now
"tatta" means "right" or "just", in this case. "ima" means "now".
So "tat taima" means "right now" or "just now".
Shuukaku shita (収穫した): cropped
Ima shun no (いま旬の): in right season
I have already explained the meaning of "ima" to you. "shuukaku" means a crop. "shita" means kind of "did" or "done". So it becomes "cropped".
So "shuukaku shi taima shun no" means kind of "cropped in (right) season".
Yasai wo (野菜を): vegetable(s)
"no" usually works as kind of "of". Explaining "wo" is difficult. Because it is a particle and English language might not have particles. After "wo", a verb comes. So in this case, "yasai" is an object, maybe.
Tenpura (tempra) ni (天ぷらに):
Tempra is one of Japanese dishes. "ni" is a particle. Vegetables were changed INTO tempra.
Itashimashita (致しました): kind of "we did, sir"
If you say "shita". That means you DID something. It is a friendly or casual way of speaking. You should always say "itashimashita" in business scenes when you did something, if you do not want to be supposed as an idiot like them.
So this sentense becomes:
Tattaima shuukakushita imashunnoyasaiwo temprani itai mashita.
Repeat after me.
Tat taima shuukakushi taima shunnnoyasaiwotempranii taimashita.
たったいま 収穫したいま 旬の野菜を天ぷらにいたい ました。
And this is the title of attached my work (under cc0, who copies).
Albert Zaccheroni has proudly said that like "We have more than one hundred repertories of pasta." (he was praising for Japanese food culture in a talk then), but we have more than one hundred repertories of just tempra and tempra is merely one of Japanese main dishes. Note that he is kind of a legend among Japanese people. He was loved by Japanese. Of course I also loved him.
By the way, this work was drawn maybe around 7 or 8 years ago. I don't remember. Acrylic color. And this is drawn on three clear acrylic plastic board. It is a layered structure. Of course it is concerned with kensho. The dinner is my mother's work. She is a very good abnormal cook. Thanks for your attention. What was the meaning of "tattaima". There is an unbelievably unforgivable stupid law.
Pull out his eyes,
Pull out his eyes.
Pull out his eyes,
Pull out his eyes,
After I posted the picture, I noticed that it appears that there are two letters of "天" and "ぷ" on a dish. FYI 天 means sky or heaven, and ぷ is written as "婦" in kanji. That means "lady". It appears that there is no the letter "ら (羅)". The letter "羅" has kind of a vehement nuance. It seems that it originally meant leno weave. I found another several figures. It might be good for you to waste or kill your time in searching the figures until the time. I think it is better for your valuable rest of time to do some other more valuable things but if you cannot restrain yourself, it would be fine. I don't care either way. You choose. As you chose. All your decision. Not others'. The law might forgive you. But nature is equal. It does not distinguish right and wrong. Just there is everything. How crucial it is for your case. How wonderful it is for our cases. I am totally a selfish person. I just think that reincarnation appears to happen so for just my next life, for just living as a popular man again, just to be surrounded by friends again, I merely do good things. Even if you graduated from Harvard, even if you were the real estate king, you are totally an idiot because you have already fell because of your arrogance and you have not still realized that your activities are same as flies' nor how their souls are full of maliciousness. Again, their life would be literally hell. Compete with other flies for the number of real estates until your death. You are the king of idiots. I have not owned even 1cm*1cm space on this planet. I am an extremely poor man. But I have a lot of friends. I know you do not have even one friend in the universe. Again, you are the king of idiots. At least current. Die with your manlike stubbornness as your friend. It is too late, so I think I can say that it seems that your stubbornness is your fatal biggest defect because it has been taken advantage of. Ha, idiot. Majority of life are bugs or kind of viruses. That would mean that there is a triangle hierarchy. Raising is difficult, falling is easy, so you won't be able to restrain yourself from doing stupid things, again, in your next, and next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next, next life too. Almost eternally. So you are an idiot. I will get another high-performance body again. And just for educating my next body, I paint. My ability shows me kind of evidences of reincarnation. Do you want to see them? If you were able to become my friend, there would be a chance to see it. But I won't show you. But try to search. You may find the evidence which makes you depressed more. You are wishing pandemic destroys all human beings.
See. You are always between there. That is called schizo in our terms.
The olympics will open on maybe June. Personally I don't have much interest in the olympics, and it should be held by small countries, though, I hope that people who come to Japan will enjoy your pipe. I mean, didgeridoo. Put that in your pipe and smoke it, idiots.
Again, I do not care either way. Who have troubles with it is not me.
I just woke up. I watched a dream. As a record. It was about in short how keeping, or rather avoiding "killing each other" is difficult. I know my writing is confusing, I pick up some things to engrave its vivid impression. There were 12 people. We experienced some life. Each time, after all, someone kills someone and try to involve others. We consider both after death, while living, like meeting. How to avoid, or rather, how to keep high-performance body, maybe for spending happy life, and keep it. We keep considering a good, a tricky, a funny way. After woke up, I thought that maybe we will fail, even this life, this time too, so now, it is kind of a miracle. It must be rare, in the universe, its history. This is a miracle. We must make it. Do not disturb us. This is a miracle. We got a internet. Probably this means, like, we are almost winning. But something might lack. We might lose. It is very difficult. Hence this is a miracle. We can laugh, at least, now. How to handle it. Maybe we need. We have to avoid becoming ghosts curse.
Some my English tutor told me a Japanese artist whose name is Hideki Tokushige. He looks like kind of a sculptor. He makes flowers with bones of animals, the tutor said. She gave me a google link and I saw a lot of pictures of his works. It would depend of the size of works, but he seems to be very accurate. And those works generally seemed quite small. Those are beatiful. And I liked his concept that making flowers with the bones. She said that she forgot what animals's bones he uses, "maybe insects'? or small animals?"
I had not had such feelings, though, I felt something strange feelings, it was not jealousy, but kind of jealousy, or rather I might get a competition... in the art world. Again, I know I am the best. Lacking competitions was one of the things what I lacked and wanted. It would make my life somewhat boring. But maybe there might be some such other artists, too. I know one painter.
I recognize Mr Tokushige's ability. Let me write about his flaws which I think, only in my opinion.
Firstly, he seems to make only flowers with only the bones.
I try anything. Water color, oil, digital painting, drawing, anything. That would be more difficult because I always have to learn something new and create new methods. It is hard, but it is maybe the most fun part of creating. I don't like making things as same motives, same objects, same something. In short, I get tired of it soon. So I do not recognize so much Monet. It would be boring. No one can categorize me. To distinguish categories is a parasitic creatures's behaviour.
There was a clear distinction between "West painters (and paintings)" and "Japan painters (and paintings)" a not so long time ago in Japan. Maybe there would be still such kind of stupid old art experts. Japan painters had (have) to draw only Japanese style paintings. West painters had (have) to draw only Western style paintings. They are not painters, but parasitic creatures. They would have disired to be distinguished into some category to live as a painter. From the beginning, that is a poor thinking. Can you imagine they fighting against the system with their japanese style or wetstern style paintings? They are already flattering on the distinction of J painters and W painters, that is stipulated by the system form the beginning. The top leadership of the art system also parasitize the distinction. He is a specialized curator or a dealer of Western style Japanese painters or paintings. Is not that stupid?? I don't know.
I know it would have some advantage, persuing one thing, I agree, but scaring new things seems to be a fatal lack of... something very important thing of artists. We artists always have to get something new method. It could be a routine, he would not evolve so much, so, if I am not wrong, it would be his worst flaw. The idea of making flowers with bones is new, though.
Secoundly, if he had not made a statue, that would mean that he lacks compete. Because if I was kind of a sculptor, I would try, or rather desire to defeat Gian Lorenzo Bernini's accuracy. I think Bernini is the best. Micheranjelo is the second. In my opinion, drawing eyes is the most difficult, and fun part of painting. As far as I know, Micheranjelo does not chisel eyes of his characotors. I found a few works which eyes are chiseled by him though. Probably he almost always avoided chiseling them. Probably he knew he was not good at chiseling eyes but he would have not admitted it. His pride would have not allowed him to admit it. He lost the most fun part of creating. I know the feeling, because it is surely simply hard to represent eyes. To pursue accuracy is hell, but Bernini does not seem to avoid chiseling eyes. He is a tough guy.
I do not know if Mr Tokushige has desired such a thing nor made the statue. It is just that if I was kind of a 3D artist, I would desire to be no.1.
By the way, Micheranjelo's paintings do not look good at all. There would be a lot of painters who are better than him. But I think that sculpturing is the most difficult among all of categories of art. I admire his sculptures, especially, I have seen a great work of him. Bernini makes kind of traditional sculptings, kind of of good traditional representational painters. The work of Micheranjelo had wild aura, kind of of Gogh.
I wonder if there is a sculptor who has the ambition, desire, to defeat the best sculptor whoever and suitable skills. S/he would modify/deform the works in like Cézanne or Gogh's manner after S/he defeated Bernini. It looks like the best exciting thing in this world, though. I like Mr Tokushige's works, though... The hair of Micheranjelo was really beautiful and that should be called a (maybe only) comtemporary technique of sculpture.
In short, if his works are small, he is accurate, but maybe he is not an idealist. Because being an idealist is as hard as chiseling eyes. You can say anytime that "I cannot save both myself and the world.", easily. It is really easy to say, did you say that after you tried? I think that hating or refusing, escaping from "fixed formula", "stereotyped things", "cliché" is a nature of artists. But note that I though that I want one of his works. It is rare.
But if HTs kept doing it, I would regard it as same as e.g. someone's unbelievably verbose endless, especially boring, routine work... so we need that, it is better to have. You know.
I think even you'd better to have that. Please please see the hell where you live long after the time. It is kind of foresight. Do not lack foresight, it is also better to have, especially in your cases, it seems. Again, you should have noticed that such a living style is already too risky when you got to know there is the so-called internet, I guess. Took a long chance? and Were you right?
You should not be high on. It is a totally illusion. No one would doubt about it. Illusion. And maybe danger, especially in your case(s). See the reality. It would be better, especially for your friends or family, I think. It would be nosy, though. And I am not interested in your private at all, especially yours, though.
I had an another nightmare. I am not such a bad person, so what I did in the dream gives me a scare. I froze some unfortunate creatures that were in jail (some after released from there) half-solid to be able to live (almost) eternally (I was setting the best environment (temprature etc)) and gave that a ride on a spherical small spaceship then sent it to the space solely. I think that in absolute zero, human beings would not be able to live but if it was slightly warmer, maybe all of his atoms or cells or neurotransmitters can move extremely slowly? so maybe he can feel fear extremely slowly and almost eternally? without knowing hunger? hungry? until he see the inside of a black hall or after caught on some fixed star's gravity then rounded in the orbit for a while?? I was calculating the best way... horrible. My only consolation was that they desired eternel life. So in that sense, their dreams (almost) came true. That was my consolation to my inhuman behavior... and they hate human beings so possibly they might like the lonely trip. I hope they will enjoy the trip.
PS: I got to know zero-point-motion. My knowledge on it (or rather a manga I read when I was an innocent) seems to have belonged to classical mechanism. So maybe freezing very quickly must be the important point...
like "You have two choices. One is obvious. But if you bring an usb stick or something to a certain place or do something, they might reduce the sentence. That is a betrayal to your boss, but not to your state. I do not like it because a betrayal is a betrayal. But he does not care such your thing. And it is the other way around of betrayal because it is the benefit of people of your state, if you still have sense of justice even slightly.
And it means we can reduce our burden somewhat, so it is kind of compromise. You would be able to keep working as something boldly. It must sound not bad for both. Think about soweones, not yourself. You might be safe even if you chose the first way since it is kind of a gamble. There are too many. But again, I don't give a shit either way anyway. If you choose the second, do not forget to beg mercy from your victims, and remember, your boss and them do not share the information with you nor any state because both cannot trust each other, it is the principle of the thing, even when they seem to cooperate. (by the way, that seems another fatal something) Isolated pawn.... They might bury old hatted, if you bury yourself on some bad climate place. Sounds better for thew than burying yourself in such activities without the sense of reality. Again, I don't like saying same things twice from the beginning. Some idiots already refused it long time ago. Think which is stronger. It would be easy since that's the base of your philosophy. I never ask again. Since you are reading this stealthly, you are already in a certain area. Choose within 13 seconds. Here is not your twitter, idiot."
How should I say? Whatsoever, you can do that is impossible. In my humble opinion.
342B 4471 8075 C50B D250 62CE 1ACE 9A10 8057 E54F (temporary one)
(This is absolutely Masaru Suzuqi myself writing)
てめえなんざ相手になんねえっつってんだよ。格がちげえって言ってんだよ不動産王さんよ。ぐだくだ言ってねえでその核ミサイルスイッチでもなんでもオレんところに落としてみたらどうなんだよ。誤爆得意だろ?おい。粋じゃねえんだよ。沙婆くせえガキはお断りなんだよ。てめえまだやるつもりかよ?やんのかよやんねえのかよどっちなんだよオカマちゃんよお。モジモジしてねえで決めろっつてんだよ?13秒やっただろうがよ。ハエなんか飛ばしてねえでてめえが核ミサイル乗って飛んでこいよ。ところでなんか不吉なもん見ただろ最近。え? 絵じゃねえよ。え?だよ、バカ。
I would appreciate it if some U.S people made a good translation of it, please.
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