Problem with tar archive and SO

4 Antworten [Letzter Beitrag]
Beigetreten: 07/03/2016

Hello community
I am having a strange problem with trisquel SO:
each time I tried to create an archive using this command:
tar -cvf /home/username/myData.tar /home/username/Documents
first of all the process gets killed in some part of the way, and i don't understand why!
Then when i trie to remove the incomplete tar file with:
rm -r myData.tar
...the system always freezes out and i can't do anything.
In addition i have to say something like a relief: I really like the idea of a free OS but it seems to me that trisquel is too much faulty. This freez thing that i told about had occurred more time by no apparent reason.
still I am not leaving Trisquel, what I am doing is using Mint in other computer not to delay may work any further.

If somebody could help with this issue I would much appreciate that.
Thanks in advance;
Hugs for everybody

Magic Banana

I am a member!

I am a translator!

Beigetreten: 07/24/2010

Does it work from the file browser? Right click on the selection of files/folders and choose "Compress...".

As for the freezes, it may be a hardware problem. Have you checked your RAM with memtest86+ (in Trisquel's repository, to be run from GRUB's menu... what requires the GRUB password or to get rid of it: search for "01_password" in this forum)?

Beigetreten: 07/03/2016

hello again;
I've done some things and come up with new data:
Doesn't work either with file browser. when I tried it also freezes out my system.
I experiment archiving another folder and tar command had worked well, with no problems at all. so from here I assume it is something inside that specific folder that gives the problem: the system freaks out completely as I told.
The part were the process stops is always the same: the part were I have C programs (for studying) that I had done when using windows a couple of years ago .
I was curious about memory testing, because it could be a problem there to in my system. So I tried to install the program you told memtest86 and give an error. See the picture please.

I have to told that sometimes the browser windows close unexpectedly. It happens the same with the panel too. There is definitely a problem with my system (hardware or software). My laptop is an old emachines e620.
Many thanks for the patient, and if you could help I would be much appreciated.
Hugs and kisses for everybody.

Screenshot from 2016-07-24 07:15:52.png
Beigetreten: 07/03/2016

Hello again;
the problem with installation of memtest86+ was resolved with:
-> sudo apt-get update
...and then:
-> sudo apt-get install memtest86+
Now that I have the program isntalled, I can do the memory tests to my system.
See you.

Hugs and kisses to all

Beigetreten: 07/03/2016

The problem was indeed a malfunctioning memory module.
I have tested my memory with memtester and it gave me various errors. I changed memory modules I discover what was the one behaving faulty.
The problem is resolved.
Many many thanks Magic Banana.

Hugs and kisses to all;
See you...