pulseaudio stuck in audio loop...
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Fired the X230 up, checked emails, started browser, started some music then - music gets stuck in a 3 second loop where the pulseaudio and system is very slow and mostly unresponsive , not for the first time;
It eventually gave me time to take a screen shot and then reboot. Having recently had a similar issue with locking during YouTube videos, I get the sinking feeling something else is involved here.
When the cursor is hovered over an audio track a preview is played but when I double click and the track plays, the preview is still repeating itself in an annoying loop. I have to be vey fast on the double click to make sure only the one song is heard. Or right click and play the whole album. What gives ?
Anhang | Größe |
Screenshot at 2024-06-23 10-26-01.png | 204.44 KB |
Hmm, have opened the folder holding all my music and it opened correctly the first time, it was then minimised to tray and when I tried to enlarge it, it froze half open twice, but shutdown ok. Never seen that before when opening a folder. Things are getting glitchy. The music is playing with no problems.
Hey Iceburn,
In general more specific details might elicit more help.
'started some music then - music gets stuck in a 3 second loop where the pulseaudio and system is very slow and mostly unresponsive'
One easy suggestion, if you think there is something wrong with pulse audio or a player you are using, you might try to reinstall via synaptic. Especially if this is a new problem for something that was working before. I recently successfully fixed a glitch in vlc by simply reinstalling it.
'When the cursor is hovered over an audio track a preview is played'
What are you using for music exactly? Is this 'preview' in your file manager?
re Palemoon, I think it's hard to beat Abrowser. It's pretty much all I ever use.
Thanks for the response. Have reinstalled VLC and pulseaudio with synaptic.
I don't think it's a preview now. When the cursor is hovered over an audio track the music plays until the cursor is moved or the track is double clicked to play and then, it plays in VLC. I just referred to it as a preview !
Hopefully the reinstallations will fix the audio freeze. (So far it's playing normally)
I use PM because the live links RSS are integrated in the browser. That has always worked well for me. I don't use liferea. Abrowser is excellent but PM fits my uses better.
Alright, cool. Sounds like things are getting better.
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