Re Guix in Trisquel 11
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I just wanted to report that andyprough's steps for installing Guix in Trisquel 10 worked for me in 11 also. I followed them exactly.
I installed Avidemux via Guix and as before I had to use it a couple of times before it showed up in the menu. The command avidemux did not work in the terminal but in the home folder, in .guix-profile/share/applications a double click on the avidemux.desktop file did start it.
I created this post once forgetting to select a category. Hopefully that one just goes to the bit bucket.
That's good to hear. I think I recall that if you want stuff to show up right away in the Mate menu, you can try logging out or find a command to restart the mate-panel or marco window manager. Maybe something like
mate-panel --replace
would do it, or
marco --replace
I don't have Mate or Guix installed right this second to try it on.
> I don't have Mate or Guix installed right this second to try it on.
Shocking. You are hereby dismissed. I blindly followed your advice and almost broke a chip falling back on Marco without a compositor. Marco lost his head for a while before I could stitch it back on his shoulders. Now I have a good storyline for my next horror movie.
Oh dear, I hope no one else uses those commands then. Maybe a moderator could delete the post? I don't have the ability to edit it any longer.
Our sins will remain exposed in the Great Trisquel Hall for all to see, until the Redeemer resets this forum for good. May I suggest a full reset? There is more than one freaky thing in this forum:
Well having broken my Trisquel 10 and since 11 is working well and I happened to notice PureOS listed by as certified free software, anyway I can report these steps worked perfectly in PureOS 10 also. And rebooting after installing avidemux it does show up as it should. Yeah!
>"I can report these steps worked perfectly in PureOS 10 also"
Wow that's interesting. I guess both Trisquel and PureOS are Ubuntu-based, so it makes sense.
Pure OS is Debian-based.
I tried this on my T60 and broke my install while back. I want to see if guix would work on Tresquel 10 on a newer laptop. I really like the Ice Cat Browser.
I got it to work on my laptops with no issues. Awesome guide !
I installed guix on Pure OS, all my browsers pop up as GNU Icecat. How would I fix that ?
What do you mean by "all my browsers"? For example, if they are all different forks of Firefox and they all use the same ~/.mozilla profile folder, you could have a bit of a complex issue to sort out.
I'm not saying it can't be managed - I deal with something very similar on my systems. But getting your menu entries to all look and be named correctly can take a bit of work.
> I deal with something very similar on my systems.
How many browsers are you currently using? We know you have six arms, but how many browsers can you follow simultaneously?

I have a bunch of different of my self-built non-branded Pale Moon profiles that I use for some of my favorite websites. If I was using a chromium-ish or electron browser, you would call them "web apps". But instead, I call them "Pale Ales".
Use Icecat and dismiss the others?
I like to keep different tasks to certain browsers for privacy and compatibility. For example I use Abrowser for Ebay, sometimes Icecat has issues uploading pictures. Both great browsers.
Guix works fine with my laptop running Trisquel. Guix on Pure OS works, but anytime I use a Firefox based browser it always shows up as Icecat in my taskbar and in the dock. That's what I meant.
In the MATE panel the default Icon for Abrowser doesn't actually start Abrowser but x-www-browser. It's possible to change what this points to by running update-alternatives --config x-www-browser although I don't know how this will work with browsers installed behind the package manager's pack (via Guix or other methods.) Good luck with that.
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