Re: Security Section for Package Installation

1 Antwort [Letzter Beitrag]
Beigetreten: 01/25/2015

On 2015-02-04 22:46, name at domain wrote:
> I think the whole categories based approach is somewhat lacking, a
> package can have multiple uses. I think what is needed is tags.
> Upstream has done some work with this.

You won't find an argument from me there. In fact, I have always felt
package managers in general need a more granular approach to

My query relates to the here and now, however, so I used Synaptic
in my example. Regardless, it would be nice to see a category
for "Security" separate from System Administration to house the
large number of tools for pentesting, sniffing, forensics and so
forth that users often go to non-free distros for rather than
install them individually on a free distro.

Some might argue for simply spinning off a new "freed" release of
a pentesting distro. We don't need more spin-offs. Security
is a serious and solid category these days that stands apart
from system administration and I vote for creating such a
category so Trisquel users who are also security analysts
can benefit from the addition.

Cheers | gnuian


Magic Banana

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Beigetreten: 07/24/2010

You should talk to the Debian community. Trisquel inherits the package categorization from Debian.