This repository is hilarious.
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Today a friend sent me a link to a really funny repository that seems to try to restrict usage, contribution and redistribution to other projects despite using GPL licensing. Not only that but also seems to be based of another free software project (ffmpeg) that originally uses two types of licenses, LGPL 2.1 and GPLv2, while this project is trying to use (and paradoxically breaking) GPLv3 which is incompatible with both of those, and since it's a derived project it has no legal right to change license either. I dunno, this looks dumb and ridiculous af, feel free to have a laugh.
From the github page:
"Participants of Freedesktop and Collabora projects and any other affiliated persons with them are not allowed to contact author."
How does he know if people are affiliated with those people I wonder?
Clearly there is a lot of drama in this project's backstory:
"As these projects are misusing their Code of Conduct to eliminate people with different nationality, skin, religion and gender, their participants are not allowed to contribute into this library in any form and are disallowed to send any question, note, issue, change request or other similar thing to this project until those projects stop violating license of other projects which they use, unban all banned users and explain their immoral activities."
> misusing their Code of Conduct to eliminate people
It is common knowledge that the only usefulness of a Code of Conduct is to allow its enforcers to eliminate random people.
Which explains why Codes of Conduct are so ubiquitous.
Making disparaging remarks about Codes of Conduct is against point #357a of the Troll Lounge Code of Social Goodness and Betterment Conduct for All People Except the Bad Ones (TLCSGBCAPEBO).
As punishment, we are going to have to fire you strapped to a Russian missile toward the sun.

Please don't: this is no Russian missile, this is CCCP missile. Any attempt to strap anyone to that thing violates all Codes of Conduct, Charters, Conventions, Treatises, national and international laws whatsoever at once, as well as Chapter IV, §253, Annex B of the TLCSGBCAPEBO, and, arguably, decency.
That said, being fired towards the sun would certainly be a liberating experience.
So that must be what happened to boi. They were tied to that rocket before it misfired and landed in the Russian Far East, where they are now living a happy life among the huskies and the reindeers, but with no RYF router. True to their principles, they decided to quit networking altogether.
> 10-year vacation in a luxurious Siberian yurt.
That's only 10 long nights, after all. I will be able to read that Ji autobiography without having to hide it inside a comic book, at last. Not sure what to do during these ten long days, though.
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