Reverse Reversi mode in Gnome 3.38
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Just a few days ago, the window manager of KDE crushed. I therefore installed Gnome 3.38 from terminal.
Then I tested the reversi game (the package name was still iagno) and found the "reverse reversi" mode, where the player with fewer discs at the end game wins. I tried to play a reverse reversi game against the hardest AI, and consequently tried to give away all four corners to the AI. However, this was not an easy job.
The Gnome desktop environment has a Gnome Classic session. However, there is another session named Gnome Flashback, which is even more similar to Gnome 2/MATE. Install the package "gnome-session-flashback", log out and then in to use it.
Update: to modify the panels in Gnome Flashback session, hold Alt key and right click the panel(s). Other operations are very similar to those under MATE.
What would you say are the benefits of Gnome Flashback vs. MATE?
Since MATE has undergone GTK3 migration, I don't see much difference between MATE and Gnome Flashback session.
I see. Thanks for your feedback.
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