Right click secure delete in Trisquel 8
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Hey everyone,
So in Trisquel 7 (with gnome and nautilus) I used to have the right click giving the option to wipe a file,which was the nautilus secure-delete integration. Now in T8 I don't see that I have anyway of doing it, because caja has a lot less integrated stuff compared to nautilus. Another example is the lack of gpg integration (I used to just right click and select verify or decrypt, T8 has none of that). Has anyone solved it?
I found this https://github.com/Fred-Barclay/Caja-Wipe but would prefer not to have to search for additional software on the web everytime I want to have a right click doing something. Yes, I know one could write scripts to do it, but I am looking for a package that adds all the nautilus integration to caja.
Also the software I posted above seems to not give any output indicating when it is done, it kinda crashes caja...
As a bonus reply to some of my own questions, I found this out https://tracker.debian.org/pkg/caja-seahorse
Installing it was easy and gave me the ability to import signatures, verify it, etc. All from a simple right click and from within caja. I still have not found a solution for secure deleting files, I am still using the CLI for that. But hope to find something. Any help greatly appreciated.
P.S.: Yes I am aware Magic Banana explained how to use nautilus and gnome-shell. But I am trying to stick with the default mate desktop in which I have already invested some time configuring things my way. So, yeah, I am sticking with caja.
> All from a simple right click and from within caja. I still have
> not found a solution for secure deleting files, I am still using the CLI
> for that.
By secure delete do you mean 'srm' from the secure-delete package? I'll answer your question assuming that's what you mean. If not, this will still work for whatever terminal command you are using.
Run 'caja-actions-config-tool' and create a new action. Under the 'Action' tab, change the 'Context label' field to "Secure Delete". Then go to the 'Command' tab. In the 'Path' field put 'srm' (or whichever command you're using) and in the 'Parameters' field put '%b'. Hit 'Save'.
Next go to Edit -> Prefences and deselect "Create a root 'Caja-Actions' Menu".
Now, when you right-click on a file in Caja, you should see 'Secure Delete'. If you also want to be able to secure delete directories, change the command in caja-actions-config-tool from 'srm' to 'srm -r'.
Hey there. Yes, I know I can create many right-click-shortcuts in caja, but I don't want to go through the trouble of doing that for every single thing that I want an option for. Especially since in Nautilus I already had everything pre-made :P
I was lucky to find Caja-Seahorse, as explained above. Might look for other caja extensions.
Still, thank you for the detailed guide to do it, I wasn't sure how to do it, you clarified it very well. Thanks!
> Yes, I know I can create many right-click-shortcuts in caja, but I don't want to go through the trouble of doing that for every single thing that I want an option for.
>it takes a couple of minutes, easy
>takes the time to create the post and waits answers
>still wants an extension for it

> Hey there. Yes, I know I can create many right-click-shortcuts in caja, but
> I don't want to go through the trouble of doing that for every single thing
> that I want an option for. Especially since in Nautilus I already had
It sounded like Caja-Seahorse had provided everything you needed except for secure delete, and this was the last missing piece. If there is still more functionality you need, then perhaps rather than try to turn Caja into Nautilus it would be easier to just use Nautilus as MATE's filemanager.
$ sudo apt install nautilus
$ dconf write /org/mate/desktop/session/required-components/filemanager "'nautilus'"
The default icon theme for GTK3 programs in Trisquel 8 is buggy, so you might want to install gnome-tweak-tool and use that to change the icon theme to gnome-brave, which looks similar to the trisquel icon theme and should help Nautilus blend in with MATE's GTK2 utilities.
If you're talking about "shredding" files, that's the nautilus-wipe package for GNOME. I don't know if there's an equivalent package for Caja. If not, you just might have to do it manually.
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