Script needed to compare one two-column file with another two-column file
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Here's my task in plain language:
Compare two files of different sizes, each with two columns:
For each element(s) in the first column of the larger file,
find all matches to those elements in the first column of the smaller file, and
Then print the matching row(s) of the larger file, followed by the matching rows of the smaller file.
Sometimes there will be more than one element in the larger file that is duplicated. For those,
print the duplicated rows from the larger file before printing the matching rows of the smaller file.
The output file should be two columns, with the first column containing the pertinent
(i.e., duplicated) elements, and the second column listing all the associated instances.
There aren't any duplications in the second column of either file;
and nothing in either second column matches anything in the other second column.
This seems easy enough to explain and to perform by visual inspection,
but only a script will work for the main files.
I'm attaching three files: LargerFile.txt; SmallerFile.txt; and OutputFile.txt.
They've been obtained by visually matching the Real-LargerFile.txt (500,000 rows)
with the Real-SmallerFile.txt (200,000 rows) and then doing some obfuscation.
All files are sorted on their first columns.
George Langford
Anhang | Größe |
LargerFile.txt | 752 Bytes |
SmallerFile.txt | 408 Bytes |
OutputFile.txt | 869 Bytes |
First of all:
- SmallerFile_0.txt is not sorted ( would be first): below, I sort the files;
- I do not understand why OutputFile_0.txt does not associate with Uhnagty, Yjnmase, and Bnhjyht: below, I assume it should.
The format you use is redundant. Moreover, in the output, it becomes hard (if not impossible) to set apart what comes from the "larger file" and from the "smaller file". I suggest to transform the two input files to have no duplicate in the first columns and a list of comma-separated values in the second columns (if commas can appear in the files, replace this character), using twice the same command line:
$ sort -k 1,1 LargerFile.txt | awk '{ if ($1 == key) printf "," $2; else { if (NR > 1) printf "\n"; printf $0; key = $1 } }' > LargerFile.csv
$ sort -k 1,1 SmallerFile.txt | awk '{ if ($1 == key) printf "," $2; else { if (NR > 1) printf "\n"; printf $0; key = $1 } }' > SmallerFile.csv
You then only need to "join" the two files (see for the theory):
$ join LargerFile.csv SmallerFile.csv,,,,, Evgbhan,Ghbfght,Kmnslet,Loasfrt,Wnhmahy,,,,,,,,,, Bnhjyht,Uhnagty,Yjnmase,,,,, Ghbfght
As a script taking the two files as arguments and running everything in parallel:
if [ -z "$2" ]
printf "Usage: $0 file1 file2
trap "rm $TMP* 2>/dev/null" 0
mkfifo $TMP.1 $TMP.2
sort -k 1,1 "$1" | awk '{ if ($1 == key) printf "," $2; else { if (NR > 1) printf "\n"; printf $0; key = $1 } }' > $TMP.1 &
sort -k 1,1 "$2" | awk '{ if ($1 == key) printf "," $2; else { if (NR > 1) printf "\n"; printf $0; key = $1 } }' > $TMP.2 &
join $TMP.1 $TMP.2 # | tr , ' ' | awk '{ for (i = 1; ++i <= NF; ) print $1, $i }'
Remove the character "#" on the last line if you really want the format you asked for.
Maybe I did not quite understand what it needs, but to unite two files
and eliminate similar occurrences; It would do so:
$ cat SmallerFile.txt LargerFile.txt | sort | uniq > OutputFile.txt
sort (order a-z) and uniq (remove duplicates); Attachment my result.
Valessio Brito
Em qui, 6 de jun de 2019 às 16:27, <name at domain> escreveu:
> Here's my task in plain language:
> Compare two files of different sizes, each with two columns:
> For each element(s) in the first column of the larger file,
> find all matches to those elements in the first column of the smaller file,
> and
> Then print the matching row(s) of the larger file, followed by the matching
> rows of the smaller file.
> Sometimes there will be more than one element in the larger file that is
> duplicated. For those,
> print the duplicated rows from the larger file before printing the matching
> rows of the smaller file.
> The output file should be two columns, with the first column containing the
> pertinent
> (i.e., duplicated) elements, and the second column listing all the associated
> instances.
> There aren't any duplications in the second column of either file;
> and nothing in either second column matches anything in the other second
> column.
> This seems easy enough to explain and to perform by visual inspection,
> but only a script will work for the main files.
> I'm attaching three files: LargerFile.txt; SmallerFile.txt; and
> OutputFile.txt.
> They've been obtained by visually matching the Real-LargerFile.txt (500,000
> rows)
> with the Real-SmallerFile.txt (200,000 rows) and then doing some obfuscation.
> All files are sorted on their first columns.
> George Langford
As far as I understand, amenex wants a "natural join". Also, you could write 'sort -u SmallerFile.txt LargerFile.txt' instead of 'cat SmallerFile.txt LargerFile.txt | sort | uniq', which is not only uselessly long but also much slower in presence of many duplicates.
Thank your for the simple explanations. My brain was so fried from gathering all the nmap data
and Google search data and then combining it that the straightforward approach never dawned.
My obfuscations of the test files upset their original sorting.
My quick & dirty approach was to load the longer file into LibreOffice Calc, then append the
smaller file, sort the combined files, copy & paste into Leafpad, and then apply Magic Banana's
duplicated-file script, which performed the last step in 0.064 second, leaving me with ca. 85,000
rows of duplicated hostnames. Some refinements need - more data from Google searches, inclusion
of data fro earlier analyses (i.e., more ASN's), etc. Not a task for just one person.
The trisquel forum continues its invaluable contributions. Thank you !
George Langford
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