Slaine acceleration don't work

9 Antworten [Letzter Beitrag]
Beigetreten: 12/21/2010

I updated about hour ago my Trisquel to Slaine... everything's ok but
I wanna run a 3D (OpenGL) acceleration and it's don't work... I instaled "libgl1-mesa-dri-experimental", restarted X11 (even I restart computer) and I still can't run Compiz and OpenGL still works very, very, very slowly... like before...
I don't know... how to run this acceleration? I must do more than installing this package and restarting X display server?
Help... I want run Compiz on my fully free system.

PS Graphics card: Gigabyte (based on Nvidia GeForce chipset) GT 240 DDR5 512MB

Beigetreten: 03/23/2011

It's very heartwarming to see no one has replied to this question nearly a week later. I'm losing interest in so-called libre software, as most of the people I've met who believe in it won't lift a finger to help anyone but themselves. Great, you cobbled together a fully free system based mostly on the work of others, then vomit it out on the internet half-working and then ignore the people who trust you enough to try using it on a daily basis. Is this all just for the approval of FSF? Does anyone even care about the people who want to USE Trisquel? This software gives us the freedom to help our neighbors, but apparently only if the pay is good. I think I might stop using my computer primarily as a doorstop and go back to doing something useful with it.

Beigetreten: 11/09/2009

Hi seanj. You have to be patient, it is sometimes difficult to retrieve information about each device. Most of people use the proprietary driver and only a small group uses the free driver, not enough to have information about each existing device.

Anyway, now that you have discovered that your video card works without 3d acceleration (if using free software) you can help the community by inserting your hardware on in this way someone else will be able to have that information easily.



--- Mer 20/4/11, name at domain <name at domain> ha scritto:

> Da: name at domain <name at domain>
> Oggetto: Re: [Trisquel-users] Slaine acceleration don't work
> A: name at domain
> Data: Mercoledì 20 Aprile 2011, 07:13
> It's very heartwarming to see no one
> has replied to this question nearly a week later. I'm losing
> interest in so-called libre software, as most of the people
> I've met who believe in it won't lift a finger to help
> anyone but themselves. Great, you cobbled together a fully
> free system based mostly on the work of others, then vomit
> it out on the internet half-working and then ignore the
> people who trust you enough to try using it on a daily
> basis. Is this all just for the approval of FSF? Does anyone
> even care about the people who want to USE Trisquel? This
> software gives us the freedom to help our neighbors, but
> apparently only if the pay is good. I think I might stop
> using my computer primarily as a doorstop and go back to
> doing something useful with it.

Magic Banana

I am a member!

I am a translator!

Beigetreten: 07/24/2010

Just make the division between the number of subjects and the number of responses on this forum: you will find more than 6.5 responses per thread. Of course there are some long threads that are more discussions than problem solving. Anyway, if you browse the the forum you will not list that many problems without any response.

Furthermore Trisquel is NOT half-working and I do not get what allows you to criticize its developers. And I do not see any issue with selling support.

Beigetreten: 03/04/2011

Most of this is done by one guy. And it is impressive. It works better than Ubuntu for me. I don't have a newer video card however. As others mentioned, it is experimental, and many here are not all that technical, but we help where we can. If you have issues with certain things, especially experimental drivers, sometimes it is also good to try with those that publish that software, as it is their's after all and they are more apt to be aware of any issues..

As mentioned as well, someone will get to it in time, if you are patient. I know that sucks, but please don't blame us that others aren't here to support you but would rather support proprietary software. Imagine the difference if those that didn't support free/lbre software did. It will be painful for awhile, but this distro shows progress is being made against the propaganda machines that you seem to have been persuaded by. If anyone here knew how to help, I am sure that they would.


I am a member!

I am a translator!

Beigetreten: 07/27/2010

If no one lifts a finger to help you I am sorry about that. That is a community failure. Many of us (at least the people I have encountered) try as much to help. But as mentioned before it becomes difficult. For example many of these questions are VERY technical and I honestly can't answer them all. With regard to this example I doubt very few of us have that specific card so that makes it even more difficult for us. The OP may want to look upstream and contact the authors of the package for more support.

There is nothing wrong with making something based on the work of others. This is exactly how science works. I don't know if you have ever heard of the phrase "standing on the shoulder's of giants." In fact in free software this is encouraged. This is how our software gets better so that (hopefully) you don't have a doorstop for a computer.

No one is forcing you to use Trisquel. We would hope it works well for you and that you DO use it. But if it doesn't you are free to put whatever you want on your computer. It doesn't impact me at all. When you make the choice between free/non-free the only person it impacts is you.

As far as the statement that the people involved don't care about the users unless pay is good I believe is false. This project has been around since 2005 and the donation system was just put in less than a year ago. The member system was just put in this month. If this project was about $$ they would have been in place since the start. In fact the main dev (ruben) as far as I know lives mainly off his bank account. The main reason for the membership program is to change that at least. Currently there are ~20 associate members and given the generous assumption that each of them was giving 20 euros a month (when the minimum is 5) that would only equate to 400 eur. The minimum wage in spain is ~750 eur so in fact it is currently likely that Ruben isn't even making minimum wage based on Trisquel memberships. The rest of the people on here who post on the forums are basically getting $0 for the support given. We try our damn best but unfortunately we can't help everyone. That is just a fact of life. But I doubt $$ is the motivating factor here for anyone. If it was most of us would be doing something else and Ruben would probably be in another industry.

You also accuse the community of not really caring about helping our neighbors. I don't know what kind of people you have met on this site and if that is your impression I am very sorry. That is totally different then the impression I have. The fact is you can go on any message board and find threads with no reply. You can't just go into those and accuse the community of being selfish and not helping people because you found a thread with 0 replies. It just happens Especially when said thread is about a newer piece of hardware on an experimental package and unfortunately our community is so small.

I unfortunately don't know if you are a troll or not. But I will go on the assumption you are not. I'm sorry if this is the view you have gotten from our community in the 5 weeks you have been a member. If you have any constructive criticism on how to make things better we are willing to hear it.


I am a translator!

Beigetreten: 12/28/2009


You've basically said it, SirGrant. I rarely post on this forum, because most of the questions go well past my technical know-how. Instead of taking a lot of time and effort to research the answer to a question I am unqualified to answer initially, I assume (usually correctly) that someone is more knowledgeable than me and will answer the question instead, and things work our better that way.

Beigetreten: 11/30/2010

I'm sorry you feel the way you do about free software. I appreciate its frustrating when things go wrong, and help is not responsive. I think some of your comments are unfair.

Everyone I have encountered on this forum has been very helpful. Here you can actually communicate with the developers of the software and they listen and care. I've never found that on any commercial software forum.

I don't understand the comment about pay. As far as I know nobody who works on Trisquel gets paid. Contrast that with huge software companies who employ thousands of people, make billions and yet still release poor software.


I am a translator!

Beigetreten: 09/05/2010

Sorry for the delay seanj but most people with questions get on the channel on I'm also quite inactive on the forum.

But to get to your qestion. The "libgl1-mesa-dri-experimental" is as it says experimantal. I guess your graphics card is quite new so there'll be only 2d support with the free nouveau driver.

After a bit of searching i've found that link . 3d won't work with that card.

Once again sorry for the delay.
Beigetreten: 10/28/2010

> PS Graphics card: Gigabyte (based on Nvidia GeForce chipset) GT 240
> DDR5 512MB

Did you check if your card is reported on and reported it if
it was not on the database?
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